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Jon Fleischman

House Republicans Need To Watch The Movie Spartacus

Apparently during the debate on the health care bill, during a period of time when Democrat Bart Stupak was speaking, someone yelled out from amidst the Republican Members of Congress, "Baby Killer!"

This undoubtedly was a reference to the fact that Stupak had for a long period of time been rallying so-called "pro-life" Democrats to oppose Obamacare as passed in the Senate because the legislation coming from Senate included funding of abortion, something that has been prohibited at the federal level for several decades due to the venerable Hyde Amendment.  Rather infamously Stupak led these "pro-life" Democrats in a stampede to support (and provide the winning margin for) Obamacare in return for the fig-leaf of President Obama issuing an Executive Order that public funds will not be used for abortions.

Of course there was an immediate frenzy in the media — trying to figure out who should shout such a thing?  Who could be so, rude!?  Well, from watching the evening’s events on C-SPAN, I can tell you that had I been in the chamber, I would have yelled much worse.  In my opinion, the Congressman with the guts to yell "Baby Killer" to the hypocritical Stupak should get a slap on the back and a "hoorah" from pro-life Republicans.

I have to admit that I was thoroughly unimpressed to get an actual press release from one Republican Member of Congress from California, George Radanovich, (who apparently was rumored to potentially be the "offending" legislator) that was entitled, "I Did Not Say It."

Radanovich said in his statement“In light of media speculation that I was the one who made the comment, I would like to set the record straight and be clear that I did not make the statement. I condemn any manner of disrespect and name calling among my colleagues. While I am disappointed in Rep. Stupak’s decision to vote for this legislation, I would never attack his character and decisions in such an unacceptable manner.”

Two other Members of Congress, Californian (and FR blogger) John Campbell and Texan Louis Gohmert were also apparently rumored to perhaps being the on who uttered the offensive-to-Stupak phrase — both quickly denied that they did it.

Well, eventually Texas Congressman Randy Neugebauer owned up to being the guy who just could not contain himself any more, and burst out with the extreme-but-accurate descriptive of Stupak.  Stupak extended an apology saying that, "The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate."

From my perspective, I do not hold Neugebauer’s comments against him, and do not think an apology was in order.  Good God, to be forced to sit there and watch a major portion of our nation’s GDP shift from the private sector into government control — and to have it occur in such a backhanded and non-transparent manner — it’s  wonder there was not more shouting down to the well of the House.

I think that it is time for Congressmen Radanovich, Campbell, and Goemert — and perhaps the entire GOP Conference, to take a few hours and watch the classic Hollywood movie – Spartacus.  There is a scene at the end of the film that I have attached below for your viewing pleasure.  To set the scene, it is the end of the movie, and Spartacus (played by Kirk Douglas) and the thousands of slaves who he had led in a tremendous rebellion against the Roman Empire had all been captured.  All of these captives were told that if they would merely give up which of them was Spartacus, that they would all (save he) be spared the traditional punishment of crucifixion until dead.  What choice did these brave companions of Spartacus make?  Watch the video… 

6 Responses to “House Republicans Need To Watch The Movie Spartacus”

  1. Says:

    I think they cut the scene after that where they are all hanging from crosses, fighting of the birds, and yelling, “he’s Spartacus”.

  2. Says:

    Two thumbs up!

  3. Says:

    Right on Jon!!!
    Obama and the Democrats are trying to take our freedoms and liberties away, trashing the Constitution and saddling our posterity to come with mountains of debt. The time to be nice is over, this is war. We need a take no prisoner attitude, kick in the door, knock them down, put our boot on their chest, drive a stake in their heart and not stop until there are flies walking on their eye balls. If we don’t start acting like this is war and Obama and the Democrats are what they are (enemies of freedom and of the United States), we will all be slaves of the state. We should not go down in history as the derelict generation that allowed freedom to be snuffed out. The time is now to kick some butt!!

  4. Says:

    you got to watch yourself on this site….BIG SIS is watching….

  5. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Republicans should be watching Spartacus, but instead they prefer Three’s Company. Instead of nominating warriors, they are nominating sidewalk sissies.

    Warriors are needed, but unwanted by our party when they surface.
    Instead of getting warriors, we are getting Jack from Three’s Company because Spartucus does not live in a log cabin.

  6. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    I am Spartucus. I am the leader of the Tea Party movement.