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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Healthcare Vote — In California, All Eyes Are On Jim Costa, Dennis Cardoza, Jerry McNerney and Loretta Sanchez

Most Americans oppose the Obama/Reid/Polosi rush to massively increase the role of the United States government in health care delivery.  For good reason, there is no reason to believe, for even a moment, that shifting a significant percentage of our country’s economy from the private sector to the public sector is anything other than a recipe for disaster.

As of this morning, Speaker Pelosi’s operatives are saying they have the necessary 218 votes in the House to pass the bill.  That is unfortunate – but not surprising.  Democrats have a substantial majority in the House, and never underestimate the power of a determined President…

The only silver lining in this very, very heavy, black and rainy cloud is that in order to pass this legislation (and substantially advance the cause of progressivism in American), a lot of Democrats will be signing their own death warrents — since so many are in districts with voters who very much oppose this extreme plan.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Healthcare Vote — In California, All Eyes Are On Jim Costa, Dennis Cardoza, Jerry McNerney and Loretta Sanchez”

  1. Says:

    It is sickening watching pundits and sheeple bow to politicans hoping beyond hope socialists and communists will vote for freedom for the average person.

    Spare us the drama!!!!

  2. Says:

    So under Bush we get NC Left Behind, Medicare D, a rapidly expanding Federal government with no end in sight.

    Under Obama we get a new Federal school curriculum, FORCED contracts with private insurers , and a warp speed expansion of Federal government.

    I’m not saying there is no diffrence between the parties, but at this point do our votes at the Federal level matter all that much?

    I have yet to see ONE Republican say “It is not the constitutional role of the Federal government to interfere in HCare. We will however rescind all regulations barring interstate competition through the commerce clause and continue to fight to let Americans keep more of what they earn so they may address there HCare needs how they see fit.”

    Anybody said something I missed? What does the Republican party REALLY stand for? Not trolling here but a sincere question.

    And as an Atheist I’m still praying to the God I know is not there that Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia and Kennedy can save the Republic. The presidents this bill would set if deemed constitutional are horrifying.

  3. Says:

    Charles….anyone who believes attornies….and most of the political ilk are attornies need, of course, my favorite saying….assisted living!!!!