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Jon Fleischman

Barry Nestande, Inland Empire Icon and FlashReport Contributor, Passes Away

This is the toughest entry I have had to write on the FlashReport blog since we started it up back in 2005.  It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that my good friend, and a fellow FlashReport contributor Barry Nestande passed away earlier this afternoon.  Apparently Barry was working out at his local gym and fell unconscious – and never woke back up.  There is speculation that Barry suffered from a heart attack. 

It is tragic that someone in the prime of their life, at 49 years of age, would be taken from us so abruptly.  Barry was someone who had dedicated his life to his family, and to working hard in his chosen career of politics and government – always striving to work to promote candidates and causes that championed Barry’s core beliefs of individual freedom and liberty.  For my part, I’ve known and worked closely with Barry for nearly two decades and can tell you that his was tireless in his dedication.

Most recently, Barry was serving as Chief of Staff to his close friend Riverside County Supervisor John Benoit, and had served in that same capacity for Benoit when he as a member of both the State Senate and the State Assembly.  Barry worked hard on so many campaigns and causes that I really couldn’t begin to name them all.

At some point soon, I will strive to write more about Barry and his contributions.

For now I will ask that you keep Barry’s family and friends in your hearts and prayers.  Barry is survived by his wife and best friend, Marrilee, his step-son Tyson (21) and his son Brett (5).  Among Barry’s extended family are two prominent political figures – his brother, Brian, currently serves in the State Assembly, and his father, Bruce, served both in the State Assembly, and as a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Barry, we’re going to miss you so much.  You’ve left us way too soon.

12 Responses to “Barry Nestande, Inland Empire Icon and FlashReport Contributor, Passes Away”

  1. Says:

    Well said. Barry will be missed. Condolences to the Nestande family from Sherry and me.

  2. Says:

    So sad… His wife and children are in my prayers. I’m so sorry Jon.

  3. Says:

    Still stunned by this news. Barry’s family and friends are in our prayers.

  4. Says:

    Very sad to hear.

    I will be thinking about the Nestande family today and they are in my prayers.

    In times like this I hope everyone will remember this poem:

    If Tears Could…

    If tears could build a stairway
    And memories were a lane,
    I would walk right up to heaven
    To bring you home again.
    No farewell words were spoken.
    No time to say good-bye.
    You were gone before we knew it,
    And only God knows why.
    My heart still aches in sadness
    And secret tears still flow.
    What it meant to lose you,
    No one will ever know.

  5. Says:

    His principled dedication to our philosophy made me a better man. I was honored to know him, be hired by him, and to work along side him.

  6. Says:

    I was shocked to read Benoit’s email this morning. He was a champion. My prayers go with Barry’s family.

  7. Says:

    My best campaign experience was working with Barry. I was in awe of his work ethic, values and accomplishments. I had been counting the days where I would get my next chance to work for him and learn more from him. We would talk politics and tricks of the trade then he would always finish our conversation with “fight the good fight”. He lived it, I can’t believe he’s left us so soon and I’m really going to miss him. Thanks Barry.

  8. Says:

    I still cannot believe the news of Barry’s passing. My prayers are with Barry’s family and many, many friends during this very difficult time.

  9. Says:

    From his extened family from Canyon High Calss of ’79 we send our deep condolences and prayers to his family. We would like to know about services perhaps someone could post on Canyon High Facebook. Thanks,love and Prayers, Maria T. Spain

  10. Says:

    I waited until today, to post my words, for, and to Barry Nestande, who I considered a great Friend, and a true Mentor. I have been a Volunteer on many, many Campaigns over the last 15 years, and working with Barry was truly the Best Experience I can ever remember, as Barry would return all phone calls, give direction in a positive and pleasant manner, offer examples, give re-enforcement when needed, and never, never yelled or got upset if you needed clarification on a matter. Also, Barry had Trust and Confidence in my volunteer work, and had expressed His approval many times over the past several years, which is a very important asset for a Chief of Staff to have. I miss my Friend Barry, and I will always remember those wonderful years that I spent with Barry and his great Staff. The World was a better place with Barry Nestande in it, and I want you to know Barry, that I will never forget You !!! May God Bless You Barry,and your Family !!!

  11. Says:

    Barry was proud that the two of you were philosophical soul mates.

    Memorial service information will be posted on Barry’s facebook. Thank you all for your heartwarming comments. We miss him!
    Bruce Nestande

  12. Says:

    Memorial Service will be Friday March 26, 2010
    10 am
    Southwest Community church
    Indian wells, CA