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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Profiles in Courage?

I about hit the floor ten minutes ago.  Assemblyman Michael Villines (R – Tax Collector) has a facebook post touting his new "Profiles in Courage" Award for raising taxes last year in the worst economy in 60 years.  Here was the quote from Caroline Kennedy:

" Faced with the most difficult choices and a budget crisis of unprecedented magnitude, these legislative leaders had the courage to negotiate a compromise that they felt was in the public’s best interest,” said Caroline Kennedy, President of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. “They did so knowing they would suffer the wrath of their constituents, powerful interest groups, and their own party members. The members of the Profile in Courage Award Committee chose to herald this story of political courage and bi-partisan compromise with the hope that it will inspire other elected officials facing similar challenges to stand up with courage, to cross party lines, and to do whatever is necessary to better serve the public interest.”

Yes, according to Caroline Kennedy, raising taxes is what will "inspire" others across America when facing budget deficits.

Question:  did the tax increase work?  No.  Did it take courage?  No.  Is a formerly conservative Republican really touting an award from Caroline Kennedy?  Sadly, yes.

All I can do is shake my head……….. its no wonder the GOP is held in low regard by California voters.

11 Responses to “Profiles in Courage?”

  1. Says:

    The reason the GOP is held in such low regard is the complete opposite of what you suggest. The GOP brand is in the tank because of what Mr. Villines didn’t do: sit on his hands and do nothing.

  2. Says:

    Your characterizing of Villines as “formerly conservative” is evidence of your total lack of understading the core of this man and who he truly is. Who or what a man or women is, is not defined by any single moment in time, yet our party continues to throw to the wolves some very thoughtful, well respected and yes, conservative men and women, becasue of a “what have you done for me lately” mentality to distinguishing a person.

  3. Says:

    Mr. Maviglio, most of the people you advise are reviled in this State, and directly responsible for our problems. Reference: Gray Davis and the Democrat legislature. Check their approval ratings, okay?

    Ivan, a tax increase in the middle of an economic collapse is not only not conservative, but it didn’t solve our problem, and never had a chance to solve our problem. I don’t care what anyone says, I care what they do. Mike is a very fine guy, who did something stupid, and instead of celebrating about an award for doing something completely ridiculous, he actually should be on an apology tour right now.

  4. Says:

    Now again…Who removed George Plescia and put in Villines?……

  5. Says:

    I am an owner of a small trucking business. To offset the expense of high taxes I have been forced to cut back on eating out, I am learning do my own repairs on my truck and found other ways to be more self sufficient. Granted these are good skills to have. However not going to a Midas or a diner does not help commerce nor does the state collect on sales tax. Furthermore, rather than spend time in the waiting room waiting to get my truck fixed I could spend money seeing a Hollywood movie. Instead I spend more time at home entertaning myself by watching network tv shows that are shot primarily in Vancouver.

    Mr Maviglio, Economics 101, neither labor nor management can exist without each other. What have you done for me lately?

  6. Says:

    It amazes me that anyone could claim that voting with two-thirds of the Legislature and the Governor and the union thugs is somehow “courageous,” but standing for principle is not.

    I wonder if the fine folks at the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation really, honestly believe that voting for massive tax increases in the middle of the worst recession in our lifetimes is the solution to our problems. I doubt it. I suspect that even they have noticed that the current budget deficit is a direct result of irresponsible spending — and tax increases that have discouraged hard work, investment, and entrepreneurship in our state.

    Maybe someone at the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation should show some courage by mentioning that the legislators fighting against irresponsible spending are the ones showing real courage.

  7. Says:

    What I find amazing is that Senator Cogdill and Assemblyman Villines are accepting this award, as opposed to politely declining.

    By taking this award, they seem to be prideful of that budget deal.

    I truly think that Senator Cogdill and Assemblyman Villines thought that the massive tax increase in that budget deal was necessary, though I disagree.

    That having been said, to accept honors for doing it leads one to believe that they are proud of it. Which is unfortunate.

  8. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    These guys are getting an award for voting with democrats to steal $16 Billion Dollars from the tax payers?

    That $16 Billion dollars went to complete waste by becoming nothing more than backfill for the democrats over bloated and super-sized budget.

    If that money had been put to work in the private sector, it could have produced more than 185,000 long lasting jobs.

    Anthony Adams got his award, just a graphic of his head on a stick on the John and Ken website.

  9. Says:


    The Irony here is that Jack Kennedy initiated and signed the biggest
    Federal TAX CUT in decades in 1962. Now THAT took courage !

    Historians and economists credit the JFK tax cut for inspiring the
    economic “Go Go” revival through the rest of the 1960s.

    A guy named Reagan did the same thing, with similar results,
    in 1981, and we all benefitted.

    I can visualize the two former presidents watching the actions of
    the Kennedy Museum from up there in political Valhalla:

    Ronald Reagan clears his throat preparing to comment, but JFK
    interrupts him: “Don’t say it Ronnie…. ‘ there they go Again.’

  10. Says:

    Being brave doesn’t mean being popular. Which is the point of the award.

  11. Says:

    The nay sayers – should run for office and serve the people – and attempt to govern – instead of throwing rocks at something they may not understand.

    I don’t fully understand that budget – but if you disagree with something, then try yourself to lead and do something about it besides tearing down others.

    Der Manuel ran for office once – maybe he should again.

    Mike – It is your turn to attempt to lead – show some courage and try. And the Lincoln Club does not count.

    Yes you can show leadership without being elected – but being elected and serving is the highest calling I know of.

    throwing bombs and venting – may be educating – but sure is not walking in love.