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BOE Member George Runner

The IRS Visits Business That Owed 4 Cents

Here’s an unbelievable story in the Sacramento Bee that looks at the various aspects of how government is trying to shake down  Californians – even for 4 cents! And after they had already received a letter saying they were all good! 

No wonder taxpayers are saying "enough is enough."

One Response to “The IRS Visits Business That Owed 4 Cents”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    This guy owned a car wash. The IRS agents that came to collect the 4 cents plus penalties did not even get a car wash while they were there. He is lucky, because if California was after him, they would have sent 17 code Nazi’s over there to fine him $600k for just being in business and creating jobs. The Dems are the party of NO. No to Jobs, No to Prosperity and NO to common sense.