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Shawn Steel

Tom Campbell’s strange saga with Sami Al-Arian

" Jihad is our path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel. Revolution. Revolution until victory. Rolling to Jerusalem. " Sami Al-Arian, Sept 26, 2001, FOX TV. 

Normally, not the kind of rhetoric one finds in a US Senate race. 

Tom Campbell seems to have  forgot a couple of items. Campbell denied Al-Arian was a donor in his 2000 senate campaign. Tom also forgot he wrote a letter defending ‘professor"  Al-Arian after 9-11. The letter, dated January 21, 2002, has Tom writing  " I have formed the fear because of the paucity of evidence supporting …for this discipline against him. I have read a transcript of the  "O’Reilly Factor" interview and i did not see anything whereby Professor Al-Arian attempted …" 

That was then…this is now.

At least Sami Al-Arian did not call for another Holocaust. Or did he?  He plead guilty in 2006, pursuant to a plea agreement, to conspiracy to help a "specially designated terrorist" organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Earlier in Al-Arian’s "career" , before he won the professorship at University of South Florida, he was an ambitious jihadists. 

On September 29, 1991, he said in a speech at a Chicago conference that Allah had made Jews "monkeys and swine", and damned them in this world and the after world. He used his position at the USF, to hire members of his Palestinian Islamic Jihad as university employees and used university facilities to send monies to suicide bombers. Definitely not a nice guy or dinner companion.

So, what is it about Tom Campbell that attracts such support?  

Both Chuck Devore and Carly Fiorina have called into question Campbell’s judgment. 

After Campbell’s ill fated support for the atrocious Prop 1-A, last year, mercifully defeated by over 60% of the voters, helping initiate the Tea Party Movement, Campbell lost all justification  for seeking higher office. Like some Republicans, Campbell thought  just a few more taxes will help "solve" the budget crisis. Campbell failed to understand the first rule for solvent government. It’s the Spending Stupid. 

No one is more more charming that Tom Campbell. He probably could out debate French President Nicolas Sarkozy in French. Tom is enormously bright and multi talented.  He is only weak with economics and foreign policy. 

Add on Campbell’s foreign policy chops, and its time to duck. There probably has not been anyone so little deserving the republican senate nomination, since……well its hard to find a parallel. Tom Kuchel? William M. Gwin? 

Big Government  Republican Kuchel

pro slavery Democrat Gwin

One Response to “Tom Campbell’s strange saga with Sami Al-Arian”

  1. Says:

    Tom Campbell Outed Again As Phony Conservative

    March 9, 2010 – San Francisco, CA – – Tom Campbell, the Democrat’s idea of a wet dream phony conservative candidate for CA Senator, has been outed by Steven Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism [IPT] as having continued to actively support fundraiser Sami Al-Arian even after the now confessed terrorist – having admitted providing “services” for Palestinian Islamic Jihad – was under investigation.

    Sending a very strong signal at the time that Al-Arian might have been a tainted personality, his close associate [and brother-in-law] Mazen al-Najjar had been revealed in court proceedings as being a “”threat to national security.”

    “…He [al-Najjar] was a founding member – along with Sami Al-Arian, Khalil Shikaki, and Ramadan Abdullah Shallah – of the World Islam Study Enterprise (WISE), which was shut down in 1995 for its suspected ties to terrorism… On June 6, 1997, Immigration Judge R. Kevin McHugh denied al Najjar’s bail request after reviewing classified evidence furnished by the government. In a one-sentence summary, McHugh stated that al Najjar was “associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and a threat to national security.” [source, Discover the Networks]
    During this period of time numerous media sources had done exposes on Al-Arian’s radicalism, including NBC’s Dateline which featured a clip of Al-Arian calling Jews “monkeys” and “pigs” and advocating the “death of Israel.”

    Yet with all of this as backdrop and after a $1,300 contribution by Al-Arian to Campbell’s 2000 campaign, he authored legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to bar exactly the kind of evidence that linked al-Najjar and later Al-Arian to Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    In a letter first obtained by the IPT, Campbell is seen hectoring University of South Florida president Judy Genshaft [See Full IPT report here] – [View IPT Campbell letter here] to reinstate Al-Arian despite the considerable evidence already in the public record casting doubts on Al-Arian’s self-righteous and false claims of innocence.

    Now locked in a tough California Senate primary [after fleeing the gubernatorial race] Campbell at first denied that Al-Arian had contributed to his campaign, until forced to admit it was true. Then he claimed he no longer had a copy of the letter he wrote supporting Al-Arian to USF, finally being chagrined once again when IPT published it in full.

    With former University of South Florida professor Al-Arian currently under house arrest, awaiting contempt of court charges after having voluntarily accepted deportation, perhaps observant California voters have finally been given a sufficient glimpse of Campbell’s lack of character, duplicity and phony conservatism, all of which disqualify him to represent the GOP in any capacity.