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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: *FR Exclusive* Tony Strickland To Run For Controller in Redux of 2006 Showdown


While it breaks our hearts, truly, to deliver such bad news to California’s Democrat State Controller and Union-Tool John Chiang, his opportunity for an easy road to re-election ends, literally, right now.

I am pleased to make an exclusive announcement that conservative State Senator Tony Strickland will be seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for State Controller.  Strickland, as readers will recall, was the Republican Party’s nominee against then Board of Equalization Member John Chiang for the office of Controller back in 2006.  Strickland raised millions of dollars for that run, but along with the rest of the down-ticket was stifled by an “it’s all about me” candidate at the top of the GOP ticket by the name of… Oh yes, Schwarzenegger.  Arnold’s coat-tails were non-existent, when you consider that the other GOPer that won statewide office in 2006, Steve Poizner, poured a lot of his own resources into his crushing of Cruz Bustamante in the Insurance Commissioner race (watch here for a reminder of how Bustamante lost his election my talking about losing weight – seriously).

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: *FR Exclusive* Tony Strickland To Run For Controller in Redux of 2006 Showdown”

  1. Says:

    Glad to hear Tony is running. I was begining to wonder if anybody from our party was going to step forward to be the nominee for Controller. We are getting down to the close of filing and I had not heard anything.

    Now we have a full slate!

  2. Says:

    This is actually sad news – if he wins we have the one target seat in 2010 vacated. If he loses we have the one target seat in 2010 underfunded (just spent it all on controller)

    As someone from Ventura County – maybe it would be better to have Strickland go away. But guess who runs for his Senate seat if he becomes Controller – Andra Strickland.

    We need some new leadership in Ventura Co.

    Oh yeah Meg Whitman recruited him – she may very well get a 2/3rds democrat senate if he wins.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    The controller needs to be some one so tight, that the last time anyone ever saw his wallet open; moths flew out of it.Tony, Please feel free to use that line.

  4. Says:

    Let’s see – Audra tried to run for Treasurer/Tax Collector and was stopped at the pass because she has no experience. Now she is trying to run for Board of Supervisor but will probably fail. Tony tried to run for controller before and got busted for his various questionable financial activities. Ventura County is sick of the Stricklands and I expect the state is too.

  5. Says:

    If not Strickland, who else might have stepped forward or made a good candidate? It did not seem like anyone was interested. Is it better letting the Democrats walk into an office with no GOP opposition?

    I have always beleived that our party should put forth someone for every office statewide and in every district . A sacrificial lamb is better than none at all. In this case we have someone better than that. Tony should have an easier time in 2010–no primary opponent and statewide base that supported him last time. Plus, he has run against his opponent once before.