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Jon Fleischman

FR’s “Wider” And Better…

The FlashReport has gone through a little bit of site construction — it’s now wider than it used to be, as when it was first created, the "norm" for websites was more narrow.  The "wider" FR means that more content can appear on the page.
If you are having trouble with the new formatting (primarily Firefox and Safari users), our technical experts tell us that you can resolve this by "clearing the cache" on your browser for this site.  How do you do this?  On a PC you press CONTROL-R and on a Mac you press COMMAND-R.
On the main page, we’ve used this "wider" space to place a new column inside of the main links area — this column, which you cannot miss, allows us to provide links to FR’s Facebook and Twitter Pages, highlight a "Video Of The Day" and we have a new tool for you to use that allows you as  a user to easily see more information.  We call the new tool the "Blog Tracker" and when you first see it, it is always showing the feed from FR’s Blog — so you can see what original content has been created by our own correspondents without having to go to the blog page.  But at the click of a button you can scan FR’s Twitter Feed, or you can check out what is happening on other blog sites around California that cover state or local politics, sorted by left, right or center.

Of course the wider site means that other pages of the site, such as a blog page, have more room for content!  No longer will we need to shrink imbedded videos and such!

Your feedback is welcome, of course.  Hopefully the new features are helpful to you and make it easier to stay informed!

Jon Fleischman

3 Responses to “FR’s “Wider” And Better…”

  1. Says:

    as a new reader – excellent product

  2. Says:

    The scope and breadth of FR is now only matched by its width.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Wider is Better!