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Jon Fleischman

Know The Enemy

Below is the formal announcement for Governor from the candidate who would further erode the liberty and freedom of Californians, and grow the bureaucratic state…  Not that you can tell by his rhetoric of not raising taxes and downsizing state government.

4 Responses to “Know The Enemy”

  1. Says:

    Lets just cool jets and relax Flash Report junkies…your problem is not Moonbeam; your problem is rich psuedo republicans buying the primary then going hard left upon election. How much more of this beatings can you take masochists?

  2. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Brown is such a re-tread that only hard core lefties will get off the couch to vote for him. Imagine the pro criminal laws that he would gladly sign that eminate from the criminal loving majority party in the legislature. No one finds that entertaining anymore.

    Brown should just find a nice trailer park, get his rig leveled on some concrete blocks and then sell the wheels and tires to some needy fellows in Oakland. Deploy the awning, set up a radio not too far from the Bar B que and tune in to the John and Ken Show.

  3. Says:

    It has been long enough for most young people to not know his record in the 70’s. To remember Chief Justice Rose Bird. To remember how Brown decided we were not going to build anymore freeways. He let Caltrans sell of right of ways in the Upland area. These had to be bought back at a huge expense when the 210 freeway was completed. Brown’s actions during his first tenure as governor set the pace for what California is dealing with today.

  4. Says:

    Again cool thy jets….your next governor is Jerry Brown….you best elect some bodies to the legislature or the RINO brand will become extinct.