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Jon Fleischman

Eisenhammer Cartoon: “Sure Abel, We Love You.”

The FlashReport is pleased to present this latest creation from our in-house cartoonist Eric Eisenhammer.  FR readers undoubtedly remember the confirmation votes that took place in the State Senate and State Assembly for Governor Schwarzenegger’s nominee to fill the vacant Lt. Governor position, liberal GOPer Abel Maldonado.

I know that there has been a lot of head scratching as to why so many Republicans would vote for a scoundrel like Maldonado, who broke his no taxes pledge, extorted legislators for his own interests, and who seems to navigate through Sacramento with no guiding compass other than how to promote himself. 

One reason given by many GOPers — let the Democrats take political heat for opposing a hispanic nominee. Another reason given is the focus of this cartoon — get him out of the Senate where he can then no longer vote for bad legislation, like tax increases, and replace him with a more mainstream Republican.

Eisenhammer’s cartoon is entitled, "Sure Abel, We Love You."

16 Responses to “Eisenhammer Cartoon: “Sure Abel, We Love You.””

  1. Says:

    Finally heard something that makes sense, because I am one upset Conservative over the friends I have voting for this.

  2. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    The real concern here is that more Maldo clones are on the campaign trail today. The candidates that come across as they just want to get along with everyone are the cheif suspects. These get along types will be quickly enticed and recruited by the liberal democrats into becoming the next wave of Maldo clones. If candidates do not stand for something now, they sure will not in Sacramento.

  3. Says:

    Why on earth is this racist cartoon funny?

  4. Says:

    Katie, I don’t comment to much on the site, but your comment deserves immediate attention. It would seem that you are accusing people who don’t think Maldonado should be LG (or a State Senator) of feeling that way because Maldonado is Hispanic. Give me a break. Did you support Obama? If not, does that mean you are racist. I can give you a great many reasons why Maldonado has been disappointing, or worse, as a politician. His race is not one of them.

  5. Says:

    Baloney, it is racist pure and simple and you are acting like a hit bird right now.

    Why is he so dark? Why does his hair look like an Afro?

    He is a mainstream Republican and the California GOP should be celebrating him instead of calling him names or drawing belittling comics.

  6. Says:

    I just looked at your sidebar and the VAST majority are white guys – something like 80%. You have very few women and even fewer minorities. This does not reflect the make up of California and is why the California GOP continues to lose ground. I’m a lifelong conservative Republican and am sick of this disconnect.

  7. Says:

    Katie, Abel has tan skin and curly hair, would you have been less offended if I drew him with blonde hair and blue eyes?

    Nothing about this has anything to do with race. It seems however that you want to promote a liberal Republican (who is in fact not mainstream and who is consistently out of step with the party platform), and to do so you’re trying to make it about race.

    It’s too bad we can’t have a conversation about Abel’s policy positions and his confirmation without you resorting to name calling.

  8. Says:

    This is so funny. Early on in his political career the moderates were suspicious of Abel because he was so conservative. Now, because he works to solve problems in Sacramento instead of doing media stunts he is called a lib. Preposterous.
    And I too, am concerned about the GOP’s tendency to “want” women and minorities, but refuses to share power with them.

  9. Says:

    Oh, then he must be the one on the right holding the Blakeslee sign – because that is the person with “tan” skin.

    I don’t call people names, however, Abel has been slammed with every name in the book – all under the line of him not being “pure” enough for the party.

  10. Says:

    Katie, Abel’s skin is darker than the other three pictured. Does that bother you? And if it does, why?

    It almost sounds like you’re saying that him being drawn with darker skin than his peers reflects badly on him, and to be honest, I think that is racist.

  11. Says:

    Sorry Eric – that dog won’t hunt. Shame on you for drawing it and shame on Jon for reproducing it here.

  12. Says:

    Eric, here’s some more fodder for your next comic. In my county, Ventura County, a school trustee – Brian Martin – was just arrested on child molestation charges. He was on our Central Committee and is married to Cristina Martin – you know – the one who ran against Pedro Nava a couple of years ago. Guess who was responsible for putting Brian Martin into office in 2006?

    Bet you Brian Martin was never called a RINO!

  13. Says:

    First off, let another Latino Republican address this issue too. I’m Mexican just like Abel, so there are no “racist” accusations or insinuations with me. The problem with Abel is NOT his skin color, nor the fact that he speaks spanish, nor the fact that he eats beans, rice, and tacos like me. The problem with Abel is that he has sold our party out, not just once, but many times in exchange for votes; most notably the budget votes that raised our taxes and borrowed more putting us in debt. He held out for a stupid “Open Primary” initiative in exchange for his vote. Also, when he first ran for office to the legislature he ran as a pro-life candidate. He has since given pro-abortion votes. He recently voted to allow schools to study and celebrate gay icon Harvey Milk as young as kindergarten. The problem with Abel are his votes and actions! He by no means exemplifies what it means to be a conservative Republican. He is no fiscal conservative and he is no social conservative.

    I think it is funny how race is so easliy injected into this as a distraction to detract from Abel’s votes and record. Guess when you really have nothing to stand on you throw race into the fray.

    Ask those of us in the Latino community what we think of Abel’s budget votes that raised our sales, car, and income taxes over the years!! Is it any wonder many Latinos are having to bust their butts sometimes 12 hours a day just to make ends meet. Is it any wonder why Hispanic owned businesses, the fasted growing in the country, are now scaling back and some going out of business. We can appreciate a fellow Latino moving up in the world of politics and “representing us.” But one who conistently votes against the values of our community and taxes us to death is not worthy of political promotion or public service!! We called that a vendido!!

    I appalud Eric and Jon…Eric for creating the cartoon and John for allowing the free market place of ideas to flurish by posting this as a topic. Very American this thing called free speech and expression!!!

  14. Says:

    It’s a shame that Eric threw out a cheap shot cartoon so that the ignorant could have a laugh at Abel’s expense. Talk about raising the level of the discussion!
    Free speech also means being able to point out when someone is being a racist.

  15. Says:

    Katie, “that dog won’t hunt”? That’s your response? Abel has darker skin in the cartoon and in real life, but why are you so fixated on it? That has nothing to do with the point of the cartoon. And what in the world is wrong with having darker skin? It still seems like you’re saying his skin color makes him look bad.

  16. Says:

    There’s a reason Abel Maldonado has taken much more heat from conservatives than Tom Campbell, Steve Kuykendall, Brooks Firestone, Shirley Horton, Keith Richman, etc. And it has nothing to do with race.
    They were honest about their beliefs. He wasn’t and isn’t.
    Abel Maldonado ran for the Assembly in 1998 as a pro-life conservative. I was there for his speech to the CRA local endorsing convention. It only took him about a year in office to break his word on everything he campaigned on.
    Lying to my face is infinitely worse than voting in ways I don’t like.
    Oh, and Katie, if you think the cartoon shows an Afro, you’ve apparently never seen a real Afro.