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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Meg: If You’re Unwilling To Be Hated, Please Don’t Waste Our Time

Memo to Meg Whitman and any other candidate for anything.  Listen up.  We’re backed into a corner in every area of America right now.  We have no money in Washington, we are borrowing trillions.  We are flat as broke in Sacramento, and we cannot borrow, and our counties, cities and school districts are all cratering under the weight of past stupidity and a bad economy.  It isn’t going to get better anytime soon.

If you are running for office, and you don’t plan on attacking these problems, then just do us all a favor and freaking quit wasting our time.  Because to attack these problems means you must educate the public about them and the reaction to that is going to be hatred.  Yes.  Hatred.

Entrenched spending lobbies will protest you, go on strike, attack your family, and lie about everything.  You might even need personal security.  If you can’t take that, then don’t run.

I hear today that Meg Whitman, like our feckless and ineffective Governor, is backing away from pension reform.  Meg, why don’t you spend $100 million in the next couple of months educating the public as to why we need to dramatically fix our pension systems.  Or are you afraid of being attacked by the left and unions about this?  If you are, then you can’t handle the job of Governor.

Here is a link to the article.  If its true, its ridiculous.  We are all sick of gutlessness.

3 Responses to “Meg: If You’re Unwilling To Be Hated, Please Don’t Waste Our Time”

  1. Says:

    Wow….backing away? What is new Keeeeemo Sabeeeeee?

    Tonto just let the big guy run here and run there and run everywhere…..while Tonto smoked his pipe and spouted wisdom in Silver’s ear!!!!! big guy no listen!

    What is this all about….primaries are much the same….somewhere in the backround Tonto-like handlers are aggressively pulling on the reins of these kook candidates. It takes lots of wampum and wassador to groom candidates to become the comic book heros Californians adore!!!!

  2. Says:

    It’s probably a smart call. This kind of initiative is better for a primary, as it is sure to spike turnout in anti-Republican demographic groups. Besides, this is the kind of thing you get to do once. The measure doesn’t seem strong enough, so why waste your bullets on it? I think new hires need to move into a defined contribution pension plan, like the private sector, rather than a slightly less generous defined benefit plan.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    I have been trying to get the right people to hate me and I feel this has been a succesful and effective part of my campaign.