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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Meg Whitman Buckles Under Union Pressure (Again)

Yesterday, I posted my very strongly held belief that to get anything done in California, a political candidate must be willing to be hated.  Meg Whitman refusing to support pension reform and flat out running away from the unions does not qualify.


I wasn’t the only one who noticed – last night on KFI AM 640, John and Ken took Whitman to task for buckling under union pressure the very first time she had the opportunity to take them on. In fact, organizer Marcia Fritz flat out states that Whitman, “…just didnt want it on the ballot, I was told that from a lot of her supporters.."


Unfortunately, John and Ken didn’t mention that this is actually the second time that Whitman has run from the unions. As we learned recently, Meg Whitman is also actively working against conservatives and the Citizen Power Campaign in addition to refusing to support pension reform.


In case you didn’t know, the Citizen Power Campaign is another important initiative supported by grassroots conservatives; and yet another instance where Meg Whitman is working against conservative efforts to fight the unions.


Whitman talks a big game about how she has a “spine of steel” but the facts clearly speak louder than her eBay ads. Listen to John and Ken discuss with Marcia Fritz how Whitman is buckling under union pressure below:

I’ll have to admit, I’m pretty ticked of that we haven’t heard much from Poizner on this – its pretty tough for his team to be critical unless they are willing to get in the game in a big way.  Right now Whitman is pretty much running unopposed on TV, and I don’t think this is preparing California citizens very well for the kind of Governor’s race they deserve:  Mr. Poizner, are you going to start a media campaign here pretty quick or not?

3 Responses to “Meg Whitman Buckles Under Union Pressure (Again)”

  1. Says:

    Atta Guy! We need all the sunshine on all hopelessly unqualified candidates during the primary season….

    Huffington bought a nomination and we still miserable representation in the United States Senate.

    Wake up Flash Report Junkies…you better get some candidates instead of bending over hoping Sacramento droppings may “trickle” your way for being poodles of the left.

  2. Says:

    You have a gift, Mike! May just have to sit out this year’s guv race if there is no one worthy of support.

  3. Says:

    Take a look at this Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Lawrence Naritelli: