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Jon Fleischman

Team Whitman OC Volunteer Chairman: Update on OC Grand Opening

Just in from FR friend Sara Catalan, the OC Volunteer Chairman for Meg Whitman for Governor…

Great Night for Orange County Republicans
By Sara Catalan, OC Volunteer Chairman for Meg Whitman for Governor

This evening I had the opportunity to attend the Whitman for Governor’s OC headquarters grand opening.  Meg Whitman was the first gubernatorial candidate, for either party, to open a local office in Orange County.  Despite also being the only candidate that has announced a statewide organization with regional and county leadership in all 58 of California’s counties, Meg appears to be picking up even greater momentum as evidenced by her support at this event.

It was a good day for Meg all the way around. Not only did Meg open her office among hundreds of supporters and excited volunteers, today also brought breaking news that Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association had announced that California’s preeminent taxpayers group will be backing her candidacy.  As more and more conservatives are learning, Meg is the only Republican we can trust to create jobs, cut spending and fix our public education.  She has a plan to cut 15 billion dollars in government spending, cut taxes and create 2 million new jobs by 2015. 

Meg addressed the crowd of volunteers, reinforcing her commitment to growing jobs in California and providing the conservative leadership that Orange County Republicans have been waiting for.  She discussed the need for a focused agenda in Sacramento, because in her words “if you go to Sacramento and try and boil the ocean, you will be stymied at every turn.”

With Meg consistently polling as the candidate best suited to beat Democrat Jerry Brown in the fall, the event tonight was yet another reminder for many of those in attendance that it’s time for our party to come together and support her. The mood at tonight’s event was unmistakable: it was an exceptional event, for an exceptional candidate with enormous promise for our party’s future.