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James V. Lacy

Chris Lehane: Disclose Your Finances By March 12

Democrat dirty-trickster Chris Lehane, who coined the phrase "vast right-wing conspiracy" famously used by Hillary Clinton as an evasive one-liner, is being paid millions by public employee labor unions to try to unnerve the campaign of Republican Governor candidate Meg Whitman.  His success, whether focused on Whitman or Poizner, will only serve further dysfunction in California government.  He claims Whitman is "someone connected to Wall Street" (as if that is a bad thing) who should let the public know if she has paid her "fair share of taxes" by disclosing tax returns, which are confidential documents filed with the IRS.  I think Lehane’s Harvard Law degree is scarier than Meg Whitman’s success in business.  California’s dysfunction is owed in no small measure to Democrats with Harvard law degrees.

     Of course, Lehane’s spin for tax return disclosure is just that.  The candidates for Governor and any other office in California are already required to disclose their finances in more than just general terms by filing California Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700.  The Whitman campaign is required to file that disclosure, which will probably be fairly extensive given Meg’s financial success, by March 12.   The public, and reporters, will indeed get a good glimpse at her financial standing.  Form 700 includes required disclosures about sources of income that might present a "conflict of interest" for the potential officeholder.

     Chris Lehane, I demand that you prepare your own Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests by March 12 and send it to me here at FlashReport!  I will publish it for you.  As you are running a major operation against her, I believe the people of California are just as entitled to know your finances as they are Meg Whitman’s.  I for one, want to know if you have paid taxes on your servants at your East Coast mansion.   I want to know where you bank, whether or not you park income in off-shore accounts, and whether the unions have allowed you to have personal use of their private jets.   I want to know exactly who your clients are, how you get paid, and how much you get paid.  The people deserve total transparency from you if you are going to make a major play in California politics.   Do the right thing, send me your personal financial information.  My email address is