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Jason Cabel Roe

Marco Rubio in Southern California

On February 26, conservative Marco Rubio, former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, will be in Southern California for a series of fundraisers in San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles.

Speaker Rubio has become a national cause for conservatives, as well as Tea Party activists, in what has been characterized as a battle for the future of the GOP.  His Republican primary opponent is Governor Charlie Crist, who after leading in polls by as much as 37% after his announcement, now trails Rubio by 14%.

Rubio was written off early and his fundraising, as a candidate opposing a popular sitting governor, was shaky.  However, Marco remained focused and started winning county GOP straw polls by wide margins and the MSM took notice that all was not well with Gov. Crist’s standing with the base of the party.  Fundraising started to pick up and then the Club for Growth and U.S. Senator Jim DeMint and his Senate Conservatives Fund announced their support and Marco surged in the polls.  Recently, Grover Norquist and leading conservative Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, announced their support of Marco’s candidacy.

Sadly, California does not have the kind of inspiring conservative Latino leaders that Florida has and with Sen. Mel Martinez’s retirement last year, the GOP lacks any national Latino leadership.  Marco Rubio will not only fill that void but become one of the most talked about Republicans in the country based on his compelling life story and principled conservatism.

While Marco enjoys a 14 point lead today, this race will certainly tighten up as Gov. Crist has a commanding cash advantage ($9 million raised to Rubio’s to $3.4 million).  That’s why Marco’s trip to California is so important to helping him raise the funds necessary to turn his lead into a victory.

If you are interested in helping Marco, please contact me for more information.

5 Responses to “Marco Rubio in Southern California”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Wanted to trade or?
    One Maldonaldo for ten latino candidates like Marco Rubio.

  2. Says:

    Send Maldonaldo to the Dem’s.

  3. Says:

    “Sadly, California does not have the kind of inspiring conservative Latino leaders that Florida has”

    I was about to start promoting Mr. Rubio’s visit until that line. I would hope you publish a follow-up apology to those conservative Latino’s who have labored for years in an environment that at times was less than supportive.

    This statement is an insult and demonstrates great arrogance. California has had some very dynamic, energetic, and intelligent conservative Latino leaders. I could go down a LONG list but may I start with Teresa Hernandez, candidate for the 32nd Congressional District or Jim Lopez in the Central Valley. I could name many others from northern California to Southern San Diego County.

    I will reach out to Mr. Rubio’s campaign offices and ask if they have the same opinion of conservative Latino leaders in California. I would strongly hope not.

    Richard Rios
    ~Latino National Republican Coalition, National Chairman
    ~Republican National Hispanic Assembly, State Chairman

  4. Says:

    I agree, Marco Rubio is a great candidate for Florida and he needs support!
    For California, if you are looking for a true conservative for governor look at Larry Naritelli
    He is the only governor candidate that supports the 2nd amendment rights. Check out his site and see all the items he supports. He doesn’t hide anything! He is a social and fiscal conservative. Get the word out!!!

  5. Says:

    It did not even occur to me that Marc Rubio is a “Latino” until I read this article. I have always thought of him as a great candidate period. What is the point of labeling someone a Latino or any other perceived race? Why are we participating in the left wing notion that we are of different races? Isn’t it time that we move on and notice a persons character rather than pointing out their race?