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Jon Fleischman

OC Lincoln Club Draws A Bright Line In The Sand

FR friend Bob Loewen of the Orange County Lincoln Club has blogged over at Red County something that is worth statewide attention.   The Lincoln Club has decided to draw a bright line in the sand against the corrupting influence of public employee unions on public policy.  The Lincoln Club has said that in order to receive a coveted endorsement from their organization, a candidate has to sign a written pledge that they will not accept political contributions from public employee unions.

This action follows after, and shows support for the strong call from Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh that candidates, whether seeking partisan or non-partisan office, who want support from the county party, must decline the endorsement of and contributions from public employee unions.

It is clear that these action are taking place because there is no logical reason for public officials to be voting to establish such unrealistic and unsustainable retirement benefits for public employees.