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Jon Fleischman

A “Jobs Package” Is Simple — Stop Doing Harm!

It is really getting challenging to show patience given the tone-deaf nature of the Democrats who control the State Legislature.  State Senate Democrats just unveiled their new "jobs package" (read it and weap here) that supposedly is going to create six-figures worth of new jobs here in the once-Golden state.

It is really not rocket science to figure out how the Governor and State Legislature can best act to foster an economic environment for job creation in California.   I would like it if every Democrat legislator and staff reading this would put down their coffee, and stop multitasking with Tweetdeck, and pay attention to this SIMPLE TWO STEP plan that would be a huge boon to California’s economy…

That’s right, we should operate under the theory that the state government should get out of the business of actually doing harm to the business climate, and restricting the growth of private sector jobs.  Whether it is reducing taxation on income to stimulate spending, or ending draconian regulation (like AB 32), it would be immensely helpful to improving the economy if we could just undo these damaging policies.

That’s right, and I know it will be hard for liberals in Sacramento who see government as a wonderful tool for wealth redistribution — but just DO NOTHING.  Let the private sector flourish and get the heck out of the way.  Government should get out of the business of trying to pick winners and losers, and let the free marketplace take care of that as the economy gears back up.

Today State Senate Republicans unveiled a series of proposals that all are in line with step number one above — undoing current harm created by government.

The main points of the Senate GOP Plan are…

  • First, Stop California Jobs from Leaving
  • Restore California’s Competitive Job Creation Climate
  • Cut Government Spending and Bureaucracy in the Budget
  • Initiate Regulatory Review and Relief
  • End Frivolous Lawsuits That Are a Full Employment Act for Attorneys

Notice that this starkly contrasts with the proposal from Democrats that is yet another round of ways government intrusion and expansion is going to "help" the economy — yeah, right.