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Jon Fleischman

NTLC’s Lew Uhler Urges Rejection Of Maldonado As Lt. Governor

One of the most prominent anti-tax organization in California, and across the country for that matter, is the National Tax Limitation Committee.

NTLC’s President, Lew Uhler, just sent over the following statement to publish on the FlashReport concerning the Governor’s nomination of State Senator Abel Maldonado to be Lt. Governor…

“I urge all legislators who are committed to limited government to vote against the confirmation of Senator Abel Maldonado to be Lt. Governor. 

Taking a no new taxes pledge and then voting for the largest tax increase in the history of any state should not be rewarded."

One Response to “NTLC’s Lew Uhler Urges Rejection Of Maldonado As Lt. Governor”

  1. Says:

    Maybe one should look under Republican kilts first….spending tons of scarce political donations by the out of touch Republican machine to get Prop. 1A passed is far worse than poor ABEL’s Benedict Arnold. And you wonder why the Tea Party movement is boiling about corrupt politicans and misguided political back room operatives.