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Jon Fleischman

CRP Chairman Nehring’s Statement In Response To SacBee Story

Having been around politics my entire adult life, I know that it is a business that produces winners and losers. On occasion, those who lose are sore. And on even fewer occasions, some reporter eager to highlight division in the party gives the sore losers a platform. That’s what I see here.

This morning in the Sacramento Bee is such a story that I frankly would not link to this morning, finding it that lacking it news worthiness, but for the fact that having seen the full statement provided to the Bee reporter by CRP Chairman Ron Nehring, and how key parts of it never were included in the story, I thought it important for Nehring’s complete statement to be available for public consumption.

If you read the story, take note of Ron Nehring’s full statement below…

— Flash

Statement Sent To The Sacramento Bee From Ron Nehring

"This is witch-hunt politics at its worst from someone who has been censured and will eventually be expelled for making racist and violent remarks.  He is not reflective of the Republican Party. 

I have never assaulted anyone in my life and I deeply resent these libelous allegations.  There are no legal charges, police or hospital reports that would corroborate these outrageous claims.

Furthermore, the premise of this story is completely without merit and I’m sure your [Bee] readers will come to the same conclusion.

Truth is always the best defense and there is absolutely no truth to any of this."

One Response to “CRP Chairman Nehring’s Statement In Response To SacBee Story”

  1. Says:

    Nobody wants to touch this story with a 10-foot pole. Well, I will – Nehring has continually brought shame to the CRP and needs to resign.