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Jon Fleischman

Why would a Democrat Lawmaker vote to confirm Maldonado?

Seems to me that while I have plenty of reasons for why conservatives should for sure not vote for Maldonado’s confirmation, I am struggling to figure out why Democrats would want the guy?

From a Constitutional perspective, if Democrats don’t confirm Maldonado, then it is another Democrat (Steinberg) who is in line to succeed the Governor should calamity occur.

But from a point of principle, and an important one — Democrats are equally victim of Maldonado’s blackmail scheme last February to force his so-called "open primary" onto the ballot.  So it seems particularly humiliating to have someone rob you at gun point, and then to vote to give them a promotion.

Never mind the idea that every Democrat who votes for Maldanado is going to create headaches in their own future primaries, taking flak for supporting a Republican (well sort of) for the job.

One Response to “Why would a Democrat Lawmaker vote to confirm Maldonado?”

  1. Says:

    They want him because its 1 step closer to 2/3rds majority so they can ram as many tax increases as they want to create their fantasy land.

    The math is SD 12+SD 15 = Progressive fantasy land.