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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Accuses Whitman Of Trying To Intimidate Him Out Of Race – Says Laws May Have Been Violated…

I just got off of the phone listening in on a press conference called by gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner.  I was going to try and write up the issues he raised in the event, when I got a press release from Poizner’s campaign.  I don’t do this often, but for the sake of getting information out quickly, I will reprint the release below…  Interestingly, Poizner files a complaint with, among others, Attorney General Jerry Brown, the likely Democrat nominee for Governor.


Whitman campaign’s threats and intimidation cross the line; FBI, U.S. Attorney, and AG Brown are notified of the Whitman campaign’s attempts to cancel the election.

Republican candidate for governor Steve Poizner today revealed intimidation tactics from Meg Whitman in which her top political advisor threatened to spend $40 million “tearing up” Commissioner Poizner.  Last week, Meg Whitman’s trusted advisor Mike Murphy contacted multiple people connected to the Poizner campaign and attempted to intimidate Poizner out of the race.  In return for dropping out, Meg Whitman offered to deliver to Commissioner Poizner the Republican nomination for the 2012 U.S. Senate race against Dianne Feinstein. 

“Meg Whitman can’t risk the chance that voters have a choice.  This is the Whitman campaign’s way to cancel the election and take away the fundamental right of voters,” said Commissioner Poizner.  “Instead of debating the issues with me or answering questions from the press, Meg Whitman chooses to hide behind threats and intimidation tactics to stop Republicans from having a choice in the primary.”  

After the Whitman campaign’s Mike Murphy’s call to a high ranking member of the Poizner campaign proved to be unsuccessful in forcing Steve Poizner from the race, Murphy sent the following e-mail to a senior member of Steve Poizner’s team.  In the e-mail, Murphy threatens that the Whitman campaign “can spend $40M+ tearing up Steve if we must; bad for him…”

The Murphy e-mail has been sent to the proper authorities, including the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s office, and the Attorney General’s office for review of ethical violations.  Download the letter

“This pattern of intimidation has unfolded like an episode from the Sopranos television show,” said Poizner Communications Director Jarrod Agen.  “First they ask you nicely to do their bidding.  When you refuse, they go to mutual friends to convince you of the errors of your ways and offer you rewards if you do as they say.  If you still refuse, they threaten to tear you up.”

For over a year, the Whitman campaign has been trying to make sure that the candidate didn’t have to face the possibility she might lose the Republican nomination.  At every point, Steve Poizner has made it clear that he intends to win this race for California’s future.

Meg Whitman has the right not to vote. Meg Whitman has the right not to debate. Meg Whitman even has the right not to answer questions from the press.  But Meg Whitman does not have the right to prevent a legal election process through threats and intimidation.  Meg Whitman also does not have the right to deny millions of Californians a right to choose their Republican nominee by guaranteeing her name will be the only one on the ballot.

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