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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger Abandons His Party On Judicial Appointments, Again

Looking on the calendar, I see it’s less than a year before registered Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger finishes his tenure in office.  Normally, a Republican Governor going into his last term with a Democrat-controlled legislature, would have as one area where he can appoint Republicans to positions of lasting influence, is the filling of vacancies Judgeships around California.  These appointments, unlike many, do not require confirmation votes.

So it pains me to no end, as an officer of the California Republican Party, and as a common sense conservative who would like to see Republicans appointed as judges, to see Schwarzenegger routinely passing over qualified GOPers for the bench.

Yesterday would be a classic example.  The Governor’s office typically announces new Judicial picks by issuing press releases — county by county.  Yesterday they started to roll out – five in total.  As they came out, I would look…  First one, from Republican Madara County — nope, didn’t appoint a Republican.  Then Orange County — "safe" GOP territory — nope, didn’t appoint a Republican.  Three more appointments followed — only one of them a member of the Governor’s own political party.

It is a downright shame to have worked hard to elect this Governor, twice, and watch him disappoint in so many ways.  But I will tell you, without hesitation, that there is nothing more painful than watching him create a legacy of reducing the number of Republicans judges in the Golden State.

The phrase, "Republican In Name Only" – or "RINO" – comes to mind.

The Governor still has over eleven months to go — it is my sincere hope that he will use his remaining Judicial appointments to place fellow Republicans onto the bench.  Remember, party registration is a key indicator of someone’s core belief about whether government should play a more expansive or limited role in our society.

3 Responses to “Schwarzenegger Abandons His Party On Judicial Appointments, Again”

  1. Says:

    2 words, Susan Kennedy

  2. Says:

    There you go again Jon, off the rails to the far right. So, Jon, who are these Republicans you think are more qualified to take the judicial appointments? In my opinion, just because a person is a registered R does not mean that person has the requisite skill, education, or temperament to be a judge.

  3. Says:

    Even though I am not as conservative as Jon, Jon is right. DEMOCRATS ARE NOT GOING TO APPOINT REPUBLICANS to the proportion ARNOLD appointed DEMOCRATS.

    Politics is partisan, no matter if we try to use rose colored bi-partisan glasses.