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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Michael Steele Wins Again

Last year  Michael Steele upset the Republican establishment as the first outsider in a generation to win election as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Massive forces were aligned against Steele, but the harsh lessons of wholesale Republican repudiations of 2006 and 2008 helped propel Michael’s message. 

The message from Steele?  That for Republicans to win again, they must embrace and act conservative. We have valuable lessons to learn from the Tea Party movement. Depending on the Republican bulls in Congress could be fatal. Over the years, many RNC vendors grew rich over no-bid contracts.  In fact, there still remains an RNC member who was paid over $1,000,000 from the RNC — who was a fierce opponent to Steele’s election. Chairman

Steele promised reforms. No more no-bid contracts. Old favored vendors would have to compete. The Establishment would have to move over and and re-invent themselves.

The tests to measure a Chairman’s success are straightforward: first,  does he raise the money needed to win elections and second, does he then win elections?

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Michael Steele Wins Again”

  1. Says:

    Most encouraging article I’ve read in a while. Good to know the RNC is in good hands. Wonder why this story hasn’t been covered at Fox? Nice to know Shawn still has some clout.

  2. Says:

    Puff piece….of the highest sort!!!

  3. Says:

    Maybe it would be if Michael was using Shawn, but I’m betting on a crafty Shawn accomplishing what we want through the other Steele. I don’t see a lot of puff on this site. Some of these guys go back 40 years.

  4. Says:

    Concerning politicans and their handlers….sleep with one eye open and wallet buttoned tite!!!

  5. Says:

    Newsmax carried an interesting article about 1/13 juxtaposed to Shawn Steele’s acessment. It was entitled “Michael Steele has lost control of the Republican Party.”
    I’m sure it can be located. Worth a read to compare Shawn Steele’s opinion of his influence and effect with those on the Newsmax site. The people are moving the races in Virginia and New Jersey as well as Massachusetts. The Steele’s are riding that tiding not leading it. Kathie Cummins