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Ray Haynes

Political Truths

These are some observations I have thought about writing down for quite some time.  It is by no means a complete listing of all the truths I have observed, but they are true, as far as they go.

Truth No. 1

Democrats win power by making promises to grow government, then alienate voters by keeping those promises.  Republicans win power by making promises to cut government, then alienate voters by breaking those promises.  So it doesn’t matter who gets power, government always grows.

Truth No. 2

Democrats are intensely partisan when they enforce the law, and prove that partisanship by only prosecuting Republicans.  Republicans want to prove they are nonpartisan when they enforce the law, and prove that nonpartisanship by only prosecuting Republicans.  So it doesn’t matter who gains control of the law enforcement mechanism, only Republicans get prosecuted.

Truth No. 3

Democrats are intensely partisan when it comes to drawing political lines during redistricting, and they prove that partisanship by drawing the lines to protect the Democrats’ power.  Republicans want to prove they are nonpartisan when it comes to drawing political lines during redistricting, and they prove that nonpartisanship by protecting the Democrats’ power.  So it doesn’t matter who draws the lines, they always protect the Democrats power.

Truth No. 4

Democrats are intensely partisan when they wield political power, and they always use their power to benefit groups that contribute to Democrats, and punish groups that contribute to Republicans.  Republicans want to prove they are nonpartisan when they wield power, so they wield their power to benefit groups that contribute to Democrats, and punish groups that contribute to Republicans.  So, it doesn’t matter who is in power, groups that support Democrats are rewarded, and groups that support Republicans are punished.

Truth No. 5

Whenever there are any allegations of any wrongdoing, Democrats will always protect Democrats, and attack Republicans.  Republicans will always protect Democrats and attack Republicans.  So, no matter what the wrongdoing, everyone protects the Democrats and attacks the Republicans.

Truth No. 6

The media will always believe Democrats no matter how wrong they are, and never believe Republicans no matter how right they are.  So the media will always run a story about Democrats without any criticism of the Democrats, but never run a story about Republicans unless it includes criticism of Republicans.

Truth No. 7

Whenever Democrats take power, they fire all of the Republican staff.  Whenever Republicans take power, they hire Democrat staff for their experience.  So it doesn’t matter who is in power, the Democrat staff is always in charge.

Truth No. 8

Democrats will always vote to raise taxes, and never vote to cut taxes.  Republicans will sometimes vote to raise taxes, but rarely vote to cut taxes.  So it doesn’t matter whose in charge, taxes usually go up, and rarely go down.

Truth No. 9

Moderate Democrats always vote with the Democrats to pass the Democrat agenda, and moderate Republicans always vote with the Democrats to pass the Democrat agenda, so it doesn’t matter which party obtains power, Democrats always have the votes they need to pass their agenda.  As a corollary, Democrat executives (Governors and Presidents) will never sign bills that pass the Republican agenda, but Republican executives will ultimately give in and sign bills that pass the Democrat agenda, so it doesn’t matter what party owns the executive, Democrats ultimately enact their agenda into law

and my favorite;

Truth No. 10

There are two parties in the United States, the Evil Party and the Stupid Party, and it is not hard to tell which one is which.

I welcome additions, or comments, but I believe these are pretty close to the truth

2 Responses to “Political Truths”

  1. Says:

    No. 2-Perhaps you could give some examples of what you mean by Democratic selective prosecution before you slam law enforcement agencies.

    No. #-I think Repulbicans showed in Texas and many other states that they were perfectly willing to be partisan if they had the upper hand. they just haven’t had it in California. But I would like to see any reapportionment that was passed by the legislature that didn’t wind up representing something close to registration in the end.

    No. 4-Again, when exactly have Republicans in California had enough power to show this vaunted nonpartisanship. I am sure most people in both parties would be as partisan as they thought they could get away with.

    No. 5-There are numerous examples of Democrats attacking other Democrats for wrongdoing partly because they have held so many offices that they are easier to attack, but I really cant think of too many cases where Republicans attacked other Republicans for wrongdoing. Perhaps you can provide examples.

    No. 6-I will remember that the next time I watch Fox News.

    No. 7-Not what happened when the Republicans took control of Congress. Can you give an example of Republicans keeping Democratic staff when they took a majority of a legislative body.

    No. 8-Debateable and depending on your definition of taxes arguable on both points. You can find examples of both parties cutting taxes and lowering fees, but Democrats do believe Government is supposed to provide a safety net for average people.

    No. 9-If you look at statistics for any elected moderate you will find that those in both parties cross over about the same number of times with a slight tilt in favor of the party in power keeping their members votes speculatively because they can reap direct results for loyalty. There have been numerous studies on this.

    No. 10-Abraham Lincoln said that he would put his trust in many Illinois Democrats before members of his own party and that no true American would divide good from wicked based on their political party. He also chose as his second Vice President and eventual successor Andrew Johnson who had served in the Senate as a Democrat.

  2. Says:

    Hilarious Ray & probably a lot of truth in what you said

    I will cosign this one LOL

    “Truth No. 10

    There are two parties in the United States, the Evil Party and the Stupid Party, and it is not hard to tell which one is which.”