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Jon Fleischman

Double Speak From Arnold

This morning Governor Schwarznegger put out a statement in response to the climbing jobless rate, saying that creating jobs was his top priority.

With all due respects, Governor, that is a lie.

The job-killing regulations in AB 32 are hurting our state’s economy and pushing people out of jobs. When you championed this bad legislation, you put in a provision for its suspension in bad economic times, which you could do with a stroke of a pen.

You should correct your release to be more accurate. You mean that you are for politically correct "green" jobs at the expense of all of the other sectors of the economy. You are for a big government that in the midst of a recession seeks to use its powers to manipulate the market instead of leaving it free, so that we can recover.

Instead of putting out some misleading release about your support for "jobs" you should either suspect AB 32 or perhaps apologize to Californians for your role in increasing unemployment rates.

2 Responses to “Double Speak From Arnold”

  1. Says:

    Actually, AB32 is CREATING jobs and billions of dollars in investment in the fastest growing segment of our economy.

    How can you blame the economy on regulations that haven’t even gone into place het?

    And how fair is it to businesses large and small to have a regulation that is in place one day and not the next? What kind of environment does that create for investment?

    With all due respects, your points make no sense.

  2. Says:

    For once, Steve Maviglio said something true. AB 32 is creating jobs and billions in “investment” in the fastest growing sector of California’s economy: GOVERNMENT.

    Of course, it’s easy to be the fastest growing sector when the prospect of severe limits on industrial activity is causing other businesses (especially manufacturers) to move out of California.