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Senator Tony Strickland

$220 Billion Government Run Healthcare

Earlier today, the Senate Democrats passed SB 810, which would mandate government run healthcare. The Democrats in Sacramento aren’t listening. The people don’t want a government run healthcare system. The lack of support for the federal proposal and the election results in Massachusetts, less than 48 hours ago, should indicate the public’s desire to have government stay out of their healthcare decisions.

SB 810 is far more intrusive than the federal program. And, it comes at a time when California is facing a $20 billion deficit and cuts are being made to education, healthcare, and public safety. The Legislature should not even contemplate implementing a program that will ration healthcare and cost over $200 billion annually – more than double the California State Budget.

This is the plan for you, if you want the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of the DMV.

6 Responses to “$220 Billion Government Run Healthcare”

  1. Says:

    Steve….you just have to settle down….facists, communists and socialists are out of favor…

    There is no way are we going to pay more to the moochers in California…

    This is a battle of the producers vs the moochers….the moochers have bled this state for decades…there is nothing less to take unless you fancy completly collapsing the California economy ala Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Cuba, Greece, Italy….

    Steve. We are not going to fund RED UTOPIA….plain and simple….NADA!!! Get over it and spare us your tiring drama….

  2. Says:

    How about the efficiency and compassion of the brave men and women who protect us as peace officers, firefighters, and soldiers? That’s where the bulk of our tax dollars go, Tony. Why dont you take them on instead of the DMV? Funny how every other industrial nation in the world has this system of health care, and Massachusetts has coverage for all as well.

  3. Says:

    Mr. Maviglio:

    The United States is not every other industrial country in the world and, believe it or not, some of us actually cherish our freedom. The only reasons I can think of for liberals like you wanting to impose health care on the rest of us are a) power, b) money, and c) you don’t think you’ll have to sign up for it since you consider yourself one of the elite.

    Time to wake up and smell the roses, Mr. Maviglio. Your socialist movement is dying a slow death as people become aware of your corrupt game.

  4. Says:

    Steve…..conservatives will always be in the minority…balance in life, sacrifice, paying your their way, saving, investing. But if your uneducated, made poor choices, had bad luck, took the short cuts in life to enjoy short term gratification… will always look to someone as a savior….I think your side has a lock on promising Rainbows but delivering a life time of misery to the unfortunate among us….drug culture, unwed mothers, huge increase in prison population, the same rate of poverty as before the Great Society boondoggle costing us 5 trillion dollars, awful gulag-style public housing, the rampant increase in gov. employees who do little to raise economic productivity….more so stunt it through fanatical enviro laws and whacky labor and insurance laws.

    Yes…Republicans are a mixed lot laced with pathetic opportunists like on your side…as once stated…during the Revolutionary War 1/3 were Patriots, 1/3 Tories and 1/3 made money off both sides…

    What is to be done… take stock of your side’s historic performance since Woodrow Wilson’s era…..not very pretty…….

  5. Says:

    Seriously? You win one Senate seat in a low turnout special election and there’s a mandate? Let me know when you take back the House, the Senate, the White House, and the California legislature. Being obstructionist and out of touch with mainstream California on social issues, the environment, and education isn’t getting you anywhere.

  6. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Wow.Where is the elctoral firing squad?I hear them marching in the distance.The left can continue their slobbering love affair with big government from another planet.