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Jon Fleischman

Garrick Officially Elected Next Assembly Republican Leader

UPDATE: 12:30PM — The transition from Assembly Republican Leader Blakeslee to Martin Garrick will take place in early February.


Garrick Martin
Just moments ago the Assembly Republican Caucus members gathered in the State Capitol and elected Assemblyman Martin Garrick (of San Diego County) to be their new leader.


Conway, Connie Joining Garrick in leadership of the Assembly Republican Caucus will be Assemblywoman Connie Conway, who will serve as caucus Chairman.

As the story is told, the competition to succeed Leader Blakeslee came down to Garrick and Conway. Both of these members serving in leadership together demonstrates a strongly unified caucus.

2 Responses to “Garrick Officially Elected Next Assembly Republican Leader”

  1. Says:

    Both Martin Garrick and Connie Conway are CLASSY people,
    and principled conservatives as well. The Republican Caucus
    chose well! Congratulations all around.

  2. Says:

    Hope these are two tough fly swatters!!!!!