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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Local Haiti Relief Option, Global Warming Report Threatens the Mainstream, Fletcher to the Rescue, and More

A Great Choice for Haiti Relief… With the tragic devastation in Haiti on just about everyone’s mind, many may still be deciding how they can help.  There are of course several outstanding entities through which contributions can be sent.  If anyone is looking for a homegrown organization with very low overhead and a great track record, California-based Rescue Task Force has my highest recommendation.

Started in 1988, RTF was led for many years by two Congressman Duncan L. Hunter staff members.  Wendell Cutting passed away a few years ago, but many will remember him from his days as mayor of San Jacinto, president of California Republican Assembly, and — more recently — Hunter’s Congressional district director. Cutting is branded in the San Diego area as the namesake of a handful of continuing awards, given annually to those in the community exemplifying humanitarian efforts and high ethical standards.

RTF continues its relief efforts under the leadership of founder Gary Becks and his daughter Andrea Stone, in most cases with Becks and/or volunteers going directly to the stricken areas and Stone coordinating the delivery of relief supplies and contributions.  Here is a Friday’s RTF press release, including donation information…

Rescue Task Force Sending a Team to Haiti

The cries for help have been heard…We are on our way!!!

Rescue Task Force’s (RTF) “boots-on-the-ground” team a will be leaving for Haiti on Monday, January 18th, 2010. RTF’s veteran volunteer Darryl Hall along with Chris Simmons, Jose Garcia and John McRae are packing up their gear and heading into the devastated Port-au-Prince to bring some much needed immediate relief.

The immediate needs the first few days after mother nature strikes are a given – basic food, water, shelter, sanitation along with anti diarrhea medicines and Tylenol. Within days disease and cholera set in and the needs change quickly. RTF there, on the ground, will assess the needs, purchase the supplies and do direct distribution.

Your donations help hand-to-hand – Your hand to our hand to their hand. Working with our local in-country volunteers the support will go to those who need the help the most. Please help us help those that are hurting right now.  Please help to save a life.

Online donations: or

Send Checks to:
Rescue Task Force
2270 Camino Vida Roble, Suite K
Carlsbad, CA 92011

For media contact
Andrea Stone
Tel: 760-930-8001
Cel: 619-991-3669


Congrats to Martin Garrick!… In case you missed it somehow, since the news did break as the weekend was unfolding, San Diego’s own 74th District Assemblyman Martin Garrick has locked down the votes to be the next Assembly Republican leader.  All the best to him!  Here is Jon Fleischman’s FlashReport post from yesterday, as well as an entry at SDRostra by Jim Sills…

FR: Martin Garrick Secures Votes For Assembly GOP Leader

SDRostra: Garrick may be Next Republican Leader in State Assembly

Global Warming: The Other Side… San Diego’s KUSI-TV has long been known for its independent and sometimes quirky news personalities, but last week the station took "willingness to go against the flow" to a new level.  KUSI ran an hour-long Thursday night special report by its meteorologist John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, calling into question the science of man-made global warming.

Link to video of Global Warming: The Other Side.

One local reporter remarked on Twitter, "KUSI has allocated a prime-time hour (9-10pm) so John Coleman can ‘debunk’ climate change. This is what’s wrong with San Diego."

Wow.  Seldom a day goes by in which the media and society at large aren’t filled with very one-sided messages and images about the subject.  Yet, a news station provides one-hour of an alternative viewpoint on the science of climate change…and that’s "what’s wrong"?

Is a quirky, independent TV news outlet really that much of a threat?  Or could it be that the real threat is people having access to both sides of the issue, so they can come to their own conclusions?

"Overheard on the Street"… After the news broke a couple of days ago that Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher (R-75) — while out for a mid-day run in Sacramento — stopped to talk someone out of suicide, a few folks simply couldn’t resist the irony.  At San Diego Rostra, the site administrator quipped

At the risk of being glib about a serious situation (but we’ll take that risk), SD Rostra could not confirm that Fletcher was also heard to say, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you,” as well as “You think you’ve got it bad…I’m a California State legislator."

A commenter followed with…

No doubt that as a Republican legislator in Sacramento Fletcher could empathize with a depressed, disenfranchised person.

That said, have a great week!  Go Chargers!


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