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Jon Fleischman

Martin Garrick Secures Votes For Assembly GOP Leader

I just got off of the phone with one of the Assembly Republicans working closely with Martin Garrick on his bid for Republican Leader. He confirmed for me, on the record (thus I share with you) that Garrick has indeed secured the commitments to be the next Assembly Republican Leader. Congratulations, Martin!

Presumably the vote will take place when legislators return to the Capitol on Tuesday, but I don’t know that. Also unknown is how the transition would take place between Garrick and Sam Blakeskee.

FR readers will be pleased to know that Martin is a strong conservative who understands all too well the dangerous path that liberals have taken state government here in California.

7 Responses to “Martin Garrick Secures Votes For Assembly GOP Leader”

  1. Says:

    Martin is an excellent choice by the Assembly GOP caucus. He is a principled conservative who comes from the private sector and knows what needs to be done to reform Sacramento. As one of his constituents, I can also say that he has been an extremely hard-working representative for the 74th. Congrats to Martin and good luck!

  2. Says:

    Yeah, very poor credentials to have an Admiral for a father. Was that meant as an insult? Kinda like, “His father was accomplished, but his kid only got elected to the state legislature.” Many of us know him to be both very successful in the private sector and a hard-working conservative leader. Congratulations to him!

  3. Says:


    I’ve read your comments over time with an increasing degree of open jawed yawning. Pray tell, exactly what is YOUR contribution to the GOP or the conservative movement besides flapping your gums?

    Duane Dichiara

  4. Says:

    Martin Garrick founded a telecommunications firm, and a real estate management
    company here in San Diego county, and operated both successfully. His name
    was well known in the business sphere.

    He was part of Ronald Reagan’s transition team after the 1980 election, and later
    served in the Reagan Administration, including as Deputy House-Senate Liaison.

    He won a heartily contested GOP primary in 2006 against two formidable opponents
    to win his first term as an Assemblyman.

    The judgment of the men and women he works with on a regular basis is reflected
    in his forthcoming election as Republican leader.

    Perhaps Mr. Michaelini can detail some of HIS OWN accomplishments so that we
    may better compare the Critic to the Achiever.

    Feel free to mention any fist fights of which you are particularly proud, Mr. M !

  5. Says:

    Come on…give the guy a break….all you need to teach this him is to say….NO NO NO.

    How could it get any worse? Flash Report Junkies never howled in mass when your back room dealing Republican Party machine pumped in hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote Prop 1A, the two year extension of billions and billions in taxes.

    So don’t be critical of the latest fly swatter….your political performance is a JOKE!

  6. Says:

    A number of comments above may now appear out of context. They were responding to a commenter that we have determined to be using a false name. As is the policy here at the FlashReport, where everyone must comment under their real name, we have deleted that user and ALL of his (or her) past comments.

  7. Says:

    Robert, kudos to you for using your real name and saying what’s on your mind. As you know, the policy at FR is no anonymity and no pseudonyms. That said, Giovanni Michaelini does not exist as a real person, other than a made up name for someone to hide behind.