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OC Fairgrounds Auction Today

Thus far — now adjourning for 15 minute break.

Bidder # 1$6.5 Million

Bidder # 2 represented by Advanced Real Estate Services $17 Million

Bidder# 3 Tel Phil Enterprises $1,000 (yes, just $1,000)

Bidder # 4 represented by Facilities Management West $55 Million

Bidder # 5 represented by Anaheim Sports Holding $20 Million

Bidder # 6 represented by Craig Realty Group $42.5 Million

Bidder # 7 represented by Ford and Molrich  $2 Million

Following the break, active bidding begins.

The current high bid document will be announced (Bidder 4 at $55 Million), then state will ask bidders if they want to increase bids.

More later.