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Jon Fleischman

Terrible News – Heart Attack Takes GOP’s Will Smith

FIRST POSTED AT 8:22AM.  Updates below.

I am sick this morning over the news that last night, while playing basketball, longtime GOP Capitol staffer Will Smith suffered a heart attack that took his life.  Will was a great guy and what a tragedy to be struck down in the prime of his life.  Smith had been serving as Chief of Staff for State Senator George Runner.  Please keep his family in your prayers.  I’m sure we’ll have more on this.

Breaking political news generally is a fun task.  This morning, it is a horrible one.

Rest in peace, my friend.


Below is a brief statement from Will’s wife, Anissa, and also some thoughts from one of Will’s friends, Chris Jones.  FR readers with thoughts of Will are invited to add them as comments below.  If you don’t have a commenting account with FR, we’ll be approving them with a very quick turn around.

“We are devastated but we rejoice knowing that Will is home with Jesus at this very moment. He lived his life on earth for Christ and now he will spend his eternity with Him. They don’t know why this happened and hopefully the autopsy will help to give us some answers, we only know the Lord called him home. The kids and I greatly appreciate your prayers.” – Anissa Smith

“I knew Will Smith for many years.  Will was a truly dedicated conservative who exemplified the best qualities of public service–integrity, grace, loyalty and commitment.  He understood how to stand strong for his principles while maintaining personal friendships with those whom he disagreed.  Will served George and Sharon Runner with great distinction for 14 years and helped to make a significant impact in successfully promoting conservative policies—such as Jessica’s Law—in the face of a hostile Sacramento political environment.  He will be greatly missed by his many friends at the State Capitol and across the state.” – Chris Jones

Capitol Alert Blogger Torey Van Oot has a post up now about Will’s passing.  In addition to more of a sketch of Will’s public service, the piece includes quotes from his boss, Senator Runner, and his friend and colleague Russell Lowery.  Check it out here.

10 Responses to “Terrible News – Heart Attack Takes GOP’s Will Smith”

  1. Says:

    Will was a great guy and a great role model for Chief of Staffs. He dedicated himself to understanding issues and always keeping his member in front of them. He was one of the first I sought advice from when I served as a Chief of Staff in the Senate.

    Our prayers are with his family and friends.

  2. Says:

    God bless that wonderful boy. He is in his Father’s hands.

  3. Says:

    Will was one of the most decent and honorable men I have ever encountered. He was a true conservative warrior. My sympathy goes out to the family; they are in my prayers.

  4. Says:

    Living life is about being able to accept finalities like Will’s far to young passing with the knowledge that what you did in your life had value and integrity, and meaning. I knew Will in a professional context only, but his integrity will be missed in a place where such traits are far too rare.

  5. Says:

    My condolences to Will’s wife Anissa and his four kids.

    The Smith family are in my prayers.

  6. Says:

    Will, you will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family. As others have commented, you were one of the most decent, professional, honorable, respectful family-oriented people at the capitol that I had the pleasure of knowing. Thank you for being such a great guy and friend.

  7. Says:

    Last night I got the call about the untimely death of Will Smith. I couldn’t believe it and in reality still don’t

    I met Will when he was engaged to Anissa. Anissa worked for the California ProLife Council and Will was the smiling guy who followed her everywhere.

    In 1993 Will and I went to beautiful Yermo (next to Barstow), California to help organize an independent expenditure campaign for the State Senate campaign of Phil Wyman. He was the only guy smiling. He really wanted to impact public policy. Will was always one of the good guys. He never turned on people or the system.

    Later when I was asked by Assemblyman Joel Anderson to be Chief of Staff I called Will. He was my first call. He was someone that could always be trusted and he was still smiling. I loved this past year with Assemblyman Hagman’s office so close to Runner’s. We could always talk whenever I was in Sacramento.

    And he always kept that smile.

  8. Says:

    I commit my family’s prayers for the repose of his soul, and for the care of his family.

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

    The Lauer Family

  9. Says:

    Will was a good friend for nearly a decade. He was always available to counsel me on the legislative hurdles of the building and political issues outside of the building.  He will be missed.
    My prayers are with his family and friends.

  10. Says:

    I was crushed to hear the news of dear Will’s death. The heavy burden of his and Anissa’s unfulfilled dreams are all mixed up with many beautiful memories of this exemplary couple and of Will’s dedication to God, family, friends, his work (which for Will was like a ministry) and yes, life. You are so right about his ever-present smile, Mike. While in and out of the Capitol I often dropped by to see that friendly, encouraging smile, even when duty didn’t call me there. Will knew only how to do good, and he is surely with God. Vivid memories of Will and Anissa before their marriage and their good friend Everett Rice come to mind when they all worked with us at California ProLife Council. One story that told me the kind of young people they were was when they prepared a complete turkey dinner to take to the homeless in the park on Thanksgiving Day. Since I moved to Alaska it was great to continue to watch their family grow in irregular Christmas letters, and the stories that were told therein assured me that they only grew in love and faith. Anissa, they also tell me you are strong and will get through this, but we are heartbroken for you and will keep you and the children in prayer.—Jan Carroll McCoy