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Jennifer Nelson

Yesterday was “No Pants” Day on BART

I try to be creative here on the FR, but I can’t tell you how many times I want to start my post with "only here in the Bay Area."  Yesterday’s "No Pants" day on BART is a great example.  Although since the silly stunt was sponsored by a New York performance art group, I guess we’ll just have to categorize it as an "only in New York or San Francisco" event.

Thank goodness, I didn’t plan to take my kids into the City yesterday.  I don’t think my 11 year has recovered from the time we were trapped on a cable car outside of the St. Francis when Union Square was taken over by bicyclists taking part in the once-a-month, anti-car Critical Mass bike event.  On that day, everyone on the cable car lost their appetite when an extremely large, extremely white and extremely naked man rode by on his not-quite-large-enough bicycle.  Truly an image that no one needs to have in their head.

Here’s an image from yesterday’s stunt:

Again, I would argue, not an image any of us need in our heads.  Dude, what’s with the flesh-covered, girlie bodysuit and hiking boots??  That guy needs to get a whole lot more than pants on his body!

So, Happy Monday!  If you are really looking for a reason not to get back to reading the details of the Governor’s Budget or any of the other real work on your desk, you can view the rest of the pictures from yesterday’s BART "No Pants" Day here