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Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Latest Appointments: 7 Dems, 3 Reps, 2 DTS

We’re now making an effort to keep a closer eye on Gubernatorial appointments, with a specific eye on political party registration.  Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced twelve appointments (read more detail here).
If you are keeping score, they are:  7 Democrats, 3 Republicans, and 2 Decline-to-State.

Cleotha Adams, 49, of Marysville, has been appointed to the Corrections Standards Authority.  Adams is a Democrat.

Carol Biondi, 62, of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the Corrections Standards Authority.  Biondi is a Democrat.

Robyn Boyer, 57, of Sacramento, has been appointed executive director of the Health Professions Education Foundation in the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.  Boyer is a Democrat.

Ann Boynton, 44, of Sacramento, has been appointed undersecretary for the Health and Human Services Agency. Boynton is a Democrat.

Joseph Compton, 51, of Santa Cruz, has been appointed to the Board of Parole Hearings.  Compton is a Democrat.

Lindy DeKoven, 52, of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the Commission on the Status of Women.  DeKoven is a Democrat.

Eileen Kostanecki, 36, of Alexandria, VA, has been appointed assistant secretary for program and fiscal affairs for the Health and Human Services Agency. Kostanecki is a Democrat.

Archie Biggers, 61, of San Diego, has been appointed to the Board of Parole Hearings.  Biggers is a Republican.

Paul Chabot, 31, of Rancho Cucamonga, has been appointed to the Board of Parole Hearings. Chabot is a Republican.

Therese Delgadillo, 47, of Sacramento, has been appointed chief deputy director for the Department of Developmental Services. Delgadillo is a Republican.

Deborah Botts, 49, of Hollister, has been appointed to the Corrections Standards Authority.  Botts is registered decline-to-state.

Amy Seidlitz, 43, of Sacramento, has been appointed chief of classification, case management and quality assurance for the Division of Juvenile Justice at the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.  Seidlitz is registered decline-to-state.