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Jon Fleischman

Stupid Quote Of The Month: Senator Abel Maldonado (“R” – Santa Maria)

Senator Abel Maldonado doesn’t like political parties.  He makes that clear over and over again, whether stumping for his "top-two" ballot measure (that limits voter choice, keeps parties and vastly increases the cost of running for office) or now, in his official reaction to the Governor’s State Of The State Address.

As an officer with the Republican Party, I think it shouldn’t surprise anyone that I think that political parties are an important player in American politics, and would like to see my party grow in influence as much as possible, so that we can elect more people to office who support the outstanding policies outlined in our party’s platform.

Republicans believe that the problems we face in Sacramento have been largely created by decades of control of the legislature by liberal Democrats.  Abel Maldonado seems to think that the problems in Sacramento are not caused by the Democrats, but by both parties.  How you can possibly blame Republicans for our woes, given that we have virtually no input in California public policy (I don’t count Governor post-partisan)?

There are many who talk about the two political parties working together where they can — which I understand.  But you sir, through your actions clearly see nirvana as some place where legislators don’t really have any party (or core beliefs) — some mushy area where compromise is the order of the day — new taxes in exchange for this, new taxes in exchange for that.

I’m trying to imagine some scenario where you are the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor — where you campaign around the state on a platform of reducing the role of the Republican Party in California.  Pathetic.

Below is a video from Senator Maldonado with the official QUOTE OF THE WEEK… 

“It is important that we start focusing on growing California…California jobs instead of growing parties in this great state of ours.”


Senator, if you don’t like the Republican Party and don’t want it to grow, why are you in it?  If you don’t want the Republican Party to have and grow in influence, does that mean that you don’t care. if we have a Republican majority?

Of course not, because in your world, political parties are irrelevant.  I guess every politician would just bring a weather vane with them so that they can vote with the prevailing winds.

The reality here is that  the Republican Party is by far the best party to lead this state into an era of prosperity, liberty, freedom and opportunity.  Your mission of attacking your own party (and all parties) and minimize its role is inconsistent with the idea that our party should have a majority and govern and lead California (and the nation).

As an aside, I spoke to a Republican legislator who hopes that if you become Lt. Governor, that it is without a vote.  Because he has no intention of voting for you.  I can’t say that I blame them.

One Response to “Stupid Quote Of The Month: Senator Abel Maldonado (“R” – Santa Maria)”

  1. Says:

    America has a two party system and if you want political power or influence you must affiliate with the Coke or Pepsi of politics.

    Not all of us have neatly categorized politics such as the pro-life, pro-labor union Democratic Party legislator, or the pro-gay rights pro-business Republican.

    Because people like Abel Maldanado can not get elected in a Republican nor Democratic Party primary, Abel wants to deconstruct the system.

    However Abel needs to work with the system and bring more of his like minded people in the party instead of making stupid quotes that Jon profiled.

    Anyways, I think the best solution is to appoint Keith Richman to fill the lame dunk Lt.Governor and put Abel’s aspirations to sleep.

    Even this independent minded Republican will vote to reject Abel’s Top Two system.