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Jon Fleischman

Perez and DeLeon – Twins Separated At Birth?

It’s being reported that State Assembly Democrats are in the process of selected a new leader to succeed Karen Bass.  Apparently the two "finalists" vying for the position are Assemblymen John Perez and Kevin DeLeon.

Because the voters of California have elected a healthy majority of Democrats in the Assembly (with the help of some "insider baseball" drawing of legislative districts to their extreme advantage) — the leader of Assembly Democrats is also elected to be the Assembly Speaker.

I thought I would take a quick look at how Perez and DeLeon differ on their voting record on key issues of importance to FlashReport readers — so that we could determine if, perhaps, there is a "lesser of the two evils" between these two liberal Los Angeles area Democrats…

How did Perez and DeLeon differ on these important votes?

  • Supporting the largest tax increase in the history of any state – $16 billion.
  • Supporting a special election and putting before voters a similar sized additional tax increase.
  • Criminalizing the owning of too many pets.
  • Allowing counties to keep adding a $1 car tax until 2018.
  • Requiring health insurance plans to cover lactation consultants.
  • Creating new unnecessary boards and commissions such as the new Blueberry Commission.
  • Prohibiting employers from using a prospective employees credit record as a factor in hiring.
  • Outlawing the purchase of handgun ammunition by internet or phone.
  • Establishing a process for early release of inmates
  • Hiking California taxes to get "free money" from Washington, D.C., to support expanded welfare.
  • Establishing Harvey Milk Day.
  • Criminalizing compensating petition circulators — assaulting direct democracy.
  • Criminalizing employers who ask their own employees to speak English in the workplace.
  • Establishing new use-tax filing requirements on thousands of California small businesses.
  • Expanding the use of Mello-Roos property "fees" to fight Al Gore’s war on global warming.
  • Adding billions of pork barrel projects into the water bond package, bloating it beyond reason.


This just looks at some of the worst legislation from this last session.  But we certainly get the idea here.  Both of these legislators are either left wing ideologues who pander to the union bosses — or they are union goons who pander to the liberal ideologues.  Either way, from a policy perspective, Perez and DeLeon represent the same hard-left doctrinaire special-interest dominated agenda that has dominated our State Capitol for too long.

If Californians want to see a change in the way California is governed, they need to elect a Republican majority in the legislature, and elect a Speaker who would make as their priorities protecting the liberty and freedom of Californians, being prudent with public funds, and working to reduce California’s burdensome and excessive regulations so that we can improve our economy and get people back to work!

(TY to the CRA for the source materials from their annual scorecard, where Perez and DeLeon both scored ZERO.)

2 Responses to “Perez and DeLeon – Twins Separated At Birth?”

  1. Says:

    Dream on. Redistricting has nothing to do with the Democratic majority in Sacramento. Heck, Republicans lost REPUBLICAN seats last year because they are so out of sync with what mainstream California voters care about. Democrats have the highest number of Assembly seats since Watergate because your party keeps putting up candidates that are anti-choice, anti-environment, and anti-education.

    Both John Perez and Kevin DeLeon are hard-working, smart, pragmatic representatives. Unlike Sam Blakeslee, neither will be a political chameleon when they become Speaker.

  2. Says:

    Urmph! That was profound….

    The reason Republicans lose is because they are RINOS! They are groomed, puff pieced and soothed by bloated career party operatives who love fund raising more than winning….

    As far as these two notables in the Democrat party wanting to take over for Commissar Bass….GROUNDHOG DAYS!