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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Launches – Highlights Boxer’s “Dressing Down” Of Brigadier General

Earlier today the Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate campaign launched a new web-based splash page,, where visitors can be reminded about the disrespectful manner in which Senator Boxer berated Brigadier General Michael Walsh from on-high at a Senate Committee hearing. What’s that, you don’t remember that? Here is the video…

Clearly Carly Fiorina wants everyone to remember how the shrill, leftist Junior Senator from California carries herself.

“Barbara Boxer, who by any measure has a failed record as a U.S. Senator, disrespectfully demanded a Brigadier General refer to her as ‘Senator’ instead of ’ma’am’ during a recent Senate hearing. Boxer’s arrogance and disrespect for our nation’s military leaders is way out of line,” said Carly for California Campaign Manager Marty Wilson. “This is just one in a long list of examples of Boxer’s dismal record and egotistical style, not to mention her total disregard for policies that will create jobs or curb federal spending. Californians deserve better and throughout this campaign we will continue to educate voters about why its so important we send her back to being called just ‘Barbara.’”

Fiorina has started advertising her attack-site on Boxer in the mostly highly visible spot on the internet (well, except for maybe TMZ) — the vaunted DrudgeReport.

FR friend and ace SF Chron Political Reporter Carla Marinucci has her take here. Carla’s colleague, Joe Garafoli (who aspires to the rock-star status of Carla) has penned a fun Carla vs. Chuck post on the Chronicle’s blog here.