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Jon Fleischman

AD72: Ackerman Campaign And Ackerman IE Drop Positive Pieces

Today mailboxes in AD72 were hit by two positive mail pieces promoting Linda Ackerman.  The timing is critical because all of the district’s absentee ballot voters are also receiving their ballots right about now.

One piece ("Dear Friend" below) has been put out by the Ackerman campaign.

The other piece ("Ackerman IE Piece One") has been sent by an Independent Expenditure.

I will say this — it is critical that Ackerman’s campaign, in such a tight campaign window, put out mail that both promotes the positive image of her own candidacy — but, frankly, Norby who is popular in North Orange County will need to be brought down a notch or two (or twenty).

It will be interesting to see if the IE money for Ackerman continues to come — and also it will be interesting to see if that IE starts to go after Norby, hitting him hard. 

I actually believe that for Linda Ackerman to win, it will be more important for her to sour voters’ impressions of Supervisor Norby that it will be to promote her own image — though clearly a mix of both is called for…

Enjoy the mail…