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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Western CPAC – A Review Of The Event

This last Friday evening and Saturday was the third annual Western Conservative Political Action Conference held in Newport Beach, California.  The event, which drew as many as 350 people at its peak, represented a third straight year of growth for the event.  While the event was relatively short in length, starting with a sunset reception on Friday and concluding with a dinner Saturday evening – Western CPAC was jammed pack with a great program that included a whole slew of great speakers. 

For my part, as a Co-Chairman of the event, I wanted to see this event get high-level exposure through-out the conservative blogosphere, with a top-notch bloggers row.  I reached out to my friend Elizabeth Crum, Vice President of the Nevada-based Citizen Outreach and Editor of the Nevada News Bureau, who really did all of the heavy lifted to pull together a great group of bloggers – Ed Morrissey of Hot Air, Ed Driscoll of Pajamas Media, Stephen Kruiser of, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, Rachel Alexander of Intellectual Conservative, Caleb Heimlich of Policy Issues Initiative, John Schulenberg of Infidels are Cool, John Sexton and Morgen Richmond of Verum Serum and Melissa Clothier of  I will be linking to some of their coverage of the conference below, which I encourage you to check out.  You can see the WCPAC Twitter page here for an aggregation of all tweets mentioning #WCPAC.

The conference opened with a poolside birthday celebration for Tom Fuentes, who is the Chairman Emeritus of the Orange County Republican Party, having served as Chairman for two decades.  Master of Ceremonies for the party was WCPAC Chairman Jim Lacy, who has done a lot of work to bring CPAC to the left coast now for three straight years.  Speaking at the event where well-respected conservative leader and former television commentator Bruce Herschensohn and Sir Eldon Griffiths, former Conservative Party member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament.  A number of other notables also addressed the crowd (Congressman Ed Royce is pictured).   Both gave outstanding speeches.  A large cake was wheeled out and everyone sang happy birthday to Fuentes, who turned 61 years old that day.

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Western CPAC – A Review Of The Event”

  1. Says:

    Wow….what a love fest….makes one get tingling up your leg.

    No one will take Republicans and RINOS seriously until they hold a meeting at Motel Six in East LA or the Compton area or in the less finer part of Palo Alto.

    Preaching to the cocktail set and the slave master globalists is unusually alarming these days of hurt for the masses of voters out there thirsting for leadership that will be meaningful to their economic futures.

    At least the duck, calamari and Chardonnay were plentiful!!!

  2. Says:

    anyone who argues for the impeachment of Barack Obama seeks only to damage the GOP and give the Democrats a free pass in 2010.

    It’s the most foolish thing the GOP could possibly do.