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Jon Fleischman

Torrico In Need Of Some Cojones

Assemblyman Alberto Torrico’s (D- Newark) likes to talk tough, but he can’t even back up his own statements.

In a recent article by Capitol Weekly, Asm. Torrico referred to Governor Schwarzenegger and Senate Republican leader Dennis Hollingsworth as extortionists because they are holding firm for a comprehensive water solution. The legislative session ended on September 11, 2009 and nearly one month later the Democrats still haven’t delivered a plan to solve for our states water crisis; yet Asm. Torrico has the gall to criticize them?

It was Torrico who went on the Spanish language station of Univision on August 29, 2009 and declared that the Latino Caucus believed helping the Central Valley should take precedent over green concerns. He also called this a “necessity” and the “number one priority.”

It is difficult to call this issue a “necessity” and the “number one priority” when you are out chastising others for making it a priority.

A quarter-million acres of farm land has been fallowed. Farms ands families are fleeing the area in droves. Unemployment hovers over 40% in many Central Valley cities, between 60,000 – 70,000 lost jobs, and an economic loss of $2.2 billion.

Back it up. Call the various reporters who have contacted your office and repeat your own words. Your hiding and avoidance says a lot about your character and it might not be helpful for someone who wants to be California’s top law enforcement official. If your word and character are meaningless, then what do you believe in or willing to fight for?

Remember Asm. Torrico, Governor Schwarzenegger has enough cojones to give them out as presents. With your inability to repeat your Spanish language comments to English reporters, maybe you should be the Governor’s next present recipient.