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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Boxer for Senate!

Carla Marinucci looks at Meg Whitman’s 2004 endorsement of Barbara Boxer.Whitman not only endorsed Boxer and donated the maximum $4,000 to the junior California senator’s 2004 re-election campaign, but the former eBay CEO also served on an exclusive committee of Technology Leaders for Boxer in her re-election battle against Republican California Secretary of State Bill Jones, according to election records obtained by The Chronicle. 

Umm……. this is like endorsing Harry Reid or Al Franken.  Same deal.  So, she’s now the second coming of Reagan?  We have a RINO in Sacramento already and we’ve seen how that has worked out.  

So Meg doesn’t vote before 2002 and she makes her debut in the political world by not only supporting Barbara Boxer, but being heavily involved in her campaign. 

One Response to “Boxer for Senate!”

  1. Says:

    All of the candidates have contributed to or endorsed Democrats. So now it is only a matter of to what degree the candidate has helped a Democrat. I wouldn’t vote or suppoert for any of them. It is very revealing the names who are endorsing any of these losers.