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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Whitman On Her Lack Of Voting

Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and her team have been having to endure what is now over a week of intense scrutiny after an investigative piece published in the Sacramento Bee last week concluded that until just a few years ago there is no sign that Whitman had voted in any elections.

Normally when a candidate is faced with a "bad" story, the tactic of the campaign is to try and "starve it" and wait it out — change the subject. Sometimes, though, stories become big enough that you have to deal with them with a press statement, or at a press conference.

This story apparently has enough legs that Whitman has decided to actually create a professional video message to supporters and potential supporters, confronting it head on…

Check it out below…

One Response to “VIDEO: Whitman On Her Lack Of Voting”

  1. Says:

    Bye Bye Meg! Pack up your tent on the way out….