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Jon Fleischman

Duvall: Out Of The Frying Pan… Also Whitman’s Boxer Support…

I’ve been away from a computer since early this morning.  Seems appropriate to note that ex-Assemblyman Mike Duvall has jumped out of the frying pan, and it remains to be seen if he falls into the fire.

As Barry Jantz noted below, ace political reporter Carla Marinucci, anxious to let all Republicans who missed her at convention that she is back in town, blogged about GOP candidate Meg Whitman’s having supported Barbara Boxer early on in her 2004 re-election.  For my part, reading about Whitman’s check to Boxer was not news — that had been out for a while.  But it was the fact that she was visibly out there, with her name on media release put out by the incumbent whacky-left Senator that startled me (see it below).

In reading the Marinucci story, Whitman’s spokesperson says, get this, that her support of Boxer was anti-tax.  Nice.

A lot of thoughts are going through my head on this, and it may take some time before they cogently end up in a commentary.