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BOE Member George Runner

California’s Dubious Distinction: Third Worst Business Climate In the Nation

What do South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Nevada, Florida, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware, Washington and Utah all have that California doesn’t? According to the Tax Foundation, these states proudly possess a national Top 10 business climate rating.

California, on the other hand, continues to rank at the bottom thanks to Sacramento’s job-killing machine known as State Government.
Thanks to a bureaucracy that sends businesses packing to neighboring states, and a regulatory environment that makes it difficult to flourish in California, the Tax Foundation ranked California 48th amongst all states. While the nationwide economic crisis has contributed to tough times in our once Golden State, we must come to terms with the overregulation that needlessly drives our state further and further into disrepair.
Unfortunately, due to policies that place special interest groups ahead of hardworking Californians, the liberal majority in Sacramento have constructed a business climate in which it has become near impossible to exercise one’s entrepreneurial spirit and successfully operate – or even open – a business. The report noted the recent increase in sales taxes as a contributing factor in how low California scored.
Senate Republicans presented a number of ideas this year that will restore California’s economic prosperity and reclaim its “Golden” status and will continue to fight for reform in California —our future depends on it.


2 Responses to “California’s Dubious Distinction: Third Worst Business Climate In the Nation”

  1. Says:

    This is great news to me. I thought we have THE worst business climate in the nation.

  2. Says:

    Yep Republican leadership is so incompetent it is not funny. The “B” movie star is a expert on climate change; The Swap Meet Queen gives money big time to Barbara Boxer the second worst politican in America….Karen Bass is first, of course. The Republican Party gives huge dollars to pass Prop. 1A that would have taxed us into slavery to save bloated and incompetent gov. workers. And lets us not forget the losers they gave us in the past Simon, Huffington, to name a couple….

    It is a conspiracy. The Reublican Party does not vett candidates period….what do these career staff members do except shine boots and serve cracked crab to all their ill served party faithful.

    It is time to starve out these losers once and for all….How could they let Whitman try and run the primary table Babs Boxer as her chosen political associate

    Heads need to roll about the poor vetting about Whitman…..