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Meredith Turney

Feinstein Continues Government-made Drought

Last week Sean Hannity came to California to help shed light on the increasingly dire water situation impacting California’s agricultural industry. Congressmen Devin Nunes just sent out an email informing recipients that Senator Jim DeMint has moved to try and relieve the suffering here in California. Shamefully, our own Senator Diane Feinstein stopped Senator DeMint’s efforts. 

Congressman Tom McClintock also just posted a video where he challenges Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on the government-made drought.

Just yesterday I was talking to my mother about Sean Hannity’s program here in California. She was outraged by what she saw on his program and I think she captured the emotions of every American who saw the show: “I never thought I’d see the day when my fellow Americans would be forced to beg for water from our government. Why are we begging for anything from the government?!” Amen.

The following is the text of the email and a link to a video of Feinstein’s speech.

Dear Friends,
Today, Senator Jim DeMint (South Carolina) and his Republican colleagues took action to restore the flow of water to dry California communities.
They offered an amendment to a bill moving through Congress that is similar to my legislation which House Democratic leaders have successfully blocked on multiple occasions (see video here).
This new development is thanks to the increasing national awareness of our suffering and is the direct result of the tireless work of people like Paul Rodriquez, Ray Appleton and Sean Hannity.
Senate Republicans took on our cause with the understanding that while many efforts are underway to resolve California’s long-term water challenges, relief is needed now.
We cannot undergo another year where water deliveries are shut down, only to be temporarily restored after farmland is transformed into desert.  This unjust water policy prioritizes fish over families, has devastated San Joaquin Valley communities, and is threatening the water supply of large population centers- including those in Southern California.
Despite the nature of the suffering in our region, Senator Dianne Feinstein objected to the amendment, comparing the effort to gain passage of a one year Endangered Species Act waiver to Pearl HarborThe filibustering of the DeMint amendment today is shameful.  The fact that our own senior Senator is responsible adds insult to injury.  A vote will occur later today.      
See my YouTube Channel for video of the debate.  Note: the video is in two parts
Devin Nunes