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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina’s Website; DNSC’s Attack Ad

The Democrat National Senatorial Committee is wasting no time in going after Republican U.S. Senate Almost-Candidate Carly Fiorina. While Fiorina has only put her proverbial toe into the water (she’s now got something basic but catchy up on her website), the DNSC released an attack video on Fiorina today (see it below). 

There is a brief article in Politico on it, at the end of which the NRSC’s spokesman Brian Walsh responded to the ad saying, "“The inordinate amount of attention national Democrats are paying to an unannounced Senate candidate in California only speaks to the growing vulnerability of Barbara Boxer. When you’re playing defense with a three-term incumbent 14 months before a general election in a blue state that Barack Obama carried by nearly 25 points, that speaks volumes. It’s clear there is real concern by the Democrats that voters in the Golden State – facing the highest unemployment rate since World War II – will be looking for a change in next year’s Senate election.”

Well said, Brian!