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Jon Fleischman

Chuck Bell: RNLA Calls On Huds & DOJ To Investigate And Defund ACORN

Longtime FR friend Chuck Bell is a highly-regarded attorney specializing in political law.  He serves as Counsel to the California Republican Party and is currently serving as President of the Republican National Lawyers Association.  Bell wanted to share the following with FR readers…

Leading National Republican Lawyers Group Calls on HUD & DOJ to Investigate & Defund ACORN

By Chuck Bell, Republican National Lawyers Association

On September 15, 2009, the Republican National Lawyers Association filed a formal complaint with the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) requesting an immediate and thorough investigation of apparent ongoing and serious violations of federal law and regulations by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).  [See the complaint here and the RNLA realase here.]

The RNLA complaint details allegations about ACORN’s activities that warrant immediate federal investigation and prosecution.

The RNLA is the nation’s leading organization of Republican lawyers, and has worked closely with Senators Mitch McConnell and Robert Bennett to defund ACORN.  Two days ago the Senate voted 83-7 to delete any ACORN funding from the Transportation and Housing & Urban Development appropriations bill.  Just a few minutes ago, RNLA’s work with House Minority Leader John Boehner and representatives Darryl Issa, Steve King and Michelle Bachman led to similar defunding of ACORN by the House of Representatives. 

The RNLA has taken a leading role in exposing ACORN’s voter registration fraud activities and supported Congressional efforts to identify and file complaints with the FEC, the IRS and this most recent HUD inspector general and DOJ complaint. 

The California Republican Lawyers Association is affiliated with the RNLA and has worked closely with RNLA to expose California elements of the ACORN scandal.