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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Our Dysfunctional Legislature — Making California A Better Place For Criminals?

It seems to us that the politics of the State Capitol couldn’t be more dysfunctional even if you tried to make it so — and the policy quasi-debate and votes that are scheduled to take place today on the issue of reducing the budget of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by over a billion dollars are a prime example.

First and foremost, let’s set the table thusly…  Liberal Democrats in Sacramento have for decades been applying the brakes to laws that seek to hold individual criminals accountable for their actions.  The collectivist mindset of ideologues on the left is that every criminal should actually be looked at as a "victim of society" — after all, no one would actually want to violate the life, liberty or property of another — only a breakdown in the social fabric of our society, for which we are all partially responsible, could result in a person resorting to a life of crime.  Right?  WRONG.  This failed idea completely ignores the important principle that every individual is and should be responsible for how they conduct themselves and that in a civilized society, every individual should be held accountable for their actions.

Let’s remember that virtually every major tough-on-crime sentencing measure that is on the books in California has come from either a ballot measure passed by the people, or out of the legislature after being objected to by the "pro-criminal" left who see these kinds of stern measures as misguided, punishing those "forced" into criminal actions by external circumstances.  Note the lack of regard for the real victims of these crimes, past or future.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Our Dysfunctional Legislature — Making California A Better Place For Criminals?”

  1. Says:

    Communications about the whackos is fine, but an all out full press effort is needed to get the initiative on the ballot for a part time legislature.

    These losers are cleaning us out morally and economically.

    You will never slow them down until they are part time legislators…

    Of course, this means creating unemployment for RINOS, deadbeat attornies and the penny loafer country club set in both parties…

    What a refreshing future….part time legislature.