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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: DeVore Blasts Fiorina As She Takes Steps To Enter U.S. Senate Race

Yesterday I blogged about the announcement by former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (pictured right) that she was taking the initial steps that one would take if looking at an official run for the U.S. Senate — filing her campaign committee name with the federal government, and bringing on board some communications consultants.  You can read that here.

As Fiorina considers becoming a Republican candidate for the United States Senate, with an end-goal target of trying to take out liberal incumbent Barbara Boxer, she undoubtedly is well aware that she must first get through a GOP primary.  For nearly a year now, conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore of Orange County has been running an extremely aggressive campaign for the Republican nomination.  I should probably mention at this point that I have been close personal friends with the DeVore family for over two decades — but shall nevertheless attempt to be as fair and objective as I can in my coverage and analysis of his candidacy.

I like to refer to Devore (pictured left), as the Energizer Bunny of candidates because he is in campaign-mode 24/7 — traveling around California on what appears to be an endless quest to speak to every Republican in the state before the primary next June.  According to DeVore’s campaign, the Assemblyman has made well over a hundred appearances since declaring his candidacy last November, speaking directly to over 20,000 voters.  His campaign boasts having over 8,000 donors and the endorsements of 58% of California’s elected Republican officeholders.

**There is more – click the link**

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