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Jon Fleischman

Call To Action: Blueberry Commission Supporters

We recently reported that last week the State Assembly, with an overwhelming bipartisan vote, voted for legislation that would create a new state commission – The California Blueberry Commission. No, we did not make this up.

If you are a supporter of this idea, either as a legislator, blueberry grower, blueberry eater or whatever — please drop me a line with your reasoning ( I am curious to understand your mindset. Thanks!

2 Responses to “Call To Action: Blueberry Commission Supporters”

  1. Says:

    The agricultural industry has many such commissions that unite growers and handlers to promote their products and fund research. For example, the got milk? campaign, CALIFORNIA GROWN, Real California Cheese, and other marketing campaigns have helped increase the market for California products, thereby creating jobs.

    The Commissions are pro forma state entities are typically operate outside the framework of state government and consist of industry members. It’s essentially self-regulation to ensure quality and standards.

    The blueberry industry wanted such a thing for their industry. It’s that simple.

  2. Says:

    How about we merge all the berry commissions into 1 group. The California Berry commission. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. We still promote berries and save money at the same time.