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Jon Fleischman

Cameron Smyth’s Facebook Status Update

If you need no greater indicator about how life as a Republican legislator in Sacramento is all about defense, you need look no further than a Facebook status update recently posted by Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Cameron Smyth, who said — “Can't believe the Assembly is voting on 93 bills today and only 4 are authored by Republicans.”

This happens because not only do Democrats author more bills, but more significantly the Democrats kill Republican bills in the various policy committees, while advancing their own.

Actually, it is probably a good sign that there are so few Republican authored bills making it to the floor — given that in order to get to the floor, they have to substantively pass must with ideological leftists.

Until there is more parody in the legislature between parties, Republicans can look forward to passing meaningless studies, non-controversial resolutions, and commemorative license plate bills.

The key, as newly appoint Assembly GOP Floor Leader Curt Hagman would tell you, is to aggresively embarrass Democrats on the floor of the legislature for “fiddling while Rome burns…” — as they heap more regulations and costly mandates on Californians.

One Response to “Cameron Smyth’s Facebook Status Update”

  1. Says:

    Or could it possibly be that Republicans are busy with legislation that is out of sync with what Californians want?

    Btw, here are a few of Mr. Smyth’s gems ..

    AB 150 encourages the use of energy efficient products by creating a state sales tax “holiday” for ENERGY STAR designated products on every April 24.

    AB 2602 would state the intent of the Legislature to include provisions that would prohibit a public institution of higher education from funding, facilitating, or otherwise
    providing direct support for the lethal taking of any vertebrate animalby means of hunting or trapping.

    Do I really need to go on?